Tuesday 19 March 2019

networking - Windows 10 computer causes router to reset constantly

I have three computers in the network.

One of them was Windows 8.1 and recently upgraded to Windows 10.

When this computer is turned on and it connects to internet, most times it causes router to start resetting itself constantly: all router lights off, then they come on until it connects, a few seconds afterwards, the process starts again and so on. Sometimes this is resolved by rebooting the Windows 10 computer and then it works well and router stays connected. But sometimes, it cannot be used because router starts resetting and nobody can have internet access.

When this computer is off, the router works ok.

Any ideas on how to fix this will be really appreciated. The computer had no issues when it had Windows 8.1



As suggested by CBHacking in comments below, we installed WireShark. The Windows 10 computer has lots of ARP requests like "Who has Tell". IP is always the router. Then, another thing that looks strange is that there are many "Browser" protocol requests, sent to IP Don't know why to that IP address and this looks like a suspect. These requests read "Request Announcement COMPUTERNAME", or "Browser Election Request", or Request Announcement WORKGROUP<1d>.

Wireshark running on a Windows 7 computer on the same network is not showing these requests. The Windows 10 one looks like it is mad making lots of Browser requests. No device has IP where it sends these messages.

Any ideas on what these are, and how we could stop them? Is this IP address something that is misconfigured?

Thanks for any help.


For those who come see this question, we could resolve the issue by changing to a newer router. It got solved immediately.

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