Monday, 25 March 2019

windows xp - *.exe is not a valid win32 application

Recently I bought a VGA card, "ATI Radeon HD4650", and after that I installed it on my PC, I can't run any .exe files just from my CD-Rom! Even when I attempted to install the driver of the VGA Card, I couldn't do that.

So I downloaded it and installed it with no problems. After that when I try to install some games from a DVD (more than 5 different games I have tried). It prompted me with: setup.exe is not a valid win32 application so I couldn't install the game, in addition I need to say that there's nothing wrong with the DVD's and my DVD-Rom.

What should I do?


You may want to reinstall your drivers for the CD/DVD-ROM drives. Then reinstall the drivers for the VGA card and see if that works. If this doesn't work, uninstall the VGA card and see if your executables work again. This ma help you troubleshoot where the problems started.

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