Thursday, 28 March 2019

windows - All .lnk files always open with Wordpad

Possible Duplicate:
How to reset shortcuts (.lnk file) in Windows 7?
How do you associate the .exe file extension with a program in Windows?
Accidentally caused all .exe programs to open in Notepad

My friend e-mailed me a .lnk file, and I chose to open it with Wordpad. I think the check box for 'always open using this program' was checked, because all of my links now are opened using word pad. Is there a way to undo this?


There are two ways, but only one tends to work:

Go to Start -> Default Programs (on the right or just type it in). Click on Associate a file type or protocol with a program. Scroll down to .lnk and change the program.

If that doesn't work, then take a look here:

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