Saturday, 30 March 2019

download - Microsoft Visual C++ repository

I had a program looking for MSVCR100.dll, which after some looking realized it is a part of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010. I found a download here:

However I was wondering: does Microsoft have a page with links to each version of Visual C++, or some official way to browse the different versions? The page I linked has no category tree, so I cannot use it to navigate "up", and if I do a search:

it gives over 10 pages of results.


You can get the latest versions of the redistributable packages for Visual C++ at Where can I download Visual C++ Redistributables?. Here are the versions available:

  • Visual C++ 2017 (14.1)

  • Visual C++ 2015 (14.0)

  • Visual C++ 2013 (12.0)

  • Visual C++ 2012 (11.0)

  • Visual C++ 2010 (10.0)

  • Visual C++ 2008 (9.0)

  • Visual C++ 2005 (8.0)

Note that if the program you are trying to run is x86, the x64 redistributable will not work.

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