Saturday, 23 March 2019

How can I tell if OpenGL is installed on a windows machine?

I have about 50 PCs on a network I look after and would like to know if the PCs have OpenGL installed. If they have I’d also like to know which version.

Now I don’t mind visiting every machine in-order to do this but I’d prefer not installing any utility.

So is there anyway to find if OpenGL is installed on a PC (I’m thinking of either XP, Vista or 7)? and if installed, which version it is?

If there isn't, I'm open to utility suggestions as well.


I believe Windows comes with OpenGL drivers. seems to confirm this:

If you are running Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista, the OpenGL library has already been installed on your system.

The above page shows the default location for opengl32.dll on the different versions of windows too. E.g. windows\system32\opengl32.dll So you could look there for them on each machine.

If you want to determine the version on each system then I think you'll need a utility.

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