Saturday, 23 March 2019

x windows - Leave xterm open after task is complete

I have an automated test that I run with the xterm -e command:

xterm -e  RunMyTests

At the end of the test-run, it prints out a summary of the results and some statistics to stdout.

I'd like to have the xterm remain open and visible so I can check the results.
(if its inactive, that's fine, so long as I can see it)

I know I could manually start the xterm then run the tests there.
Or I could redirect the test-output to a file to be examined later.
Or I could run the tests in the current xterm, instead of spawning a new window.
All of these could work, but are not ideal.

Is there a way to get an xterm window to stay open after its completed its work?


The problem is that there is no shell running in the xterm for it to go back to when the tests are done.

Try this.

xterm -e "echo hi;bash"


xterm -e "echo hi;read"

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