Tuesday 19 February 2019

How to use separate numbering for first and for second table columns in word processor (e.g. MS Word, Libre Office Writer, etc)?

Suppose I have table in rich-text document:


If I insert numbering in usual way, it'll look like this:

│1. A│2. D│
│3. B│4. E│
│5. C│6. F│

But I instead want something like this (different variants of same idea):

┌────┬────┐    ┌────┬────┐    ┌────┬────────┐
│1. A│1. D│ │1. A│4. D│ │1. A│. D│
├────┼────┤ ├────┼────┤ ├────┼────────┤
│2. B│2. E│ │2. B│5. E│ │2. B│. E│
├────┼────┤ ├────┼────┤ ├────┼────────┤
│3. C│3. F│ │3. C│6. F│ │3. C│. F│
└────┴────┘ └────┴────┘ └────┴────────┘

I.e. (two different phrasings of the same thing):

  • I want different columns to have individual numbering.

  • I want numbering order to be not row/column, but column/row.

Any ideas?
And how cross-platform are your ideas (e.g. "Microsoft Office only", "LibreOffice only", "OpenOffice.org only", "Google Docs only", "LibreOffice + OpenOffice.org", "all desktop offices", etc)?

Upd.: This question got an answer. But it's quite unexpected; I don't understand how it works, nor how I can use it in practice (answer is good, but the way typical word-processor works appear to be quite tangled). So I asked another question.


I can answer for Word and OpenOffice:

  1. To create the first of your three examples, just select each column separately and apply numbering to it.

  2. To create the second and third examples, you start by doing the same as #1. Then do one of the following:

    • In Word: Right-click the first item in the second column, click Set Numbering Value, and enter a value in the Set value to field.

    • In OpenOffice: On the Format menu, click Bullets and Numbering, click the Options tab, and enter a value in the Start at field.

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