Sunday, 24 February 2019

Can't install drivers for Windows XP. Program too big to fit in memory

SOLUTION: Download the driver on other computer. Rename it from .EXE to .zip extension. Copy over the driver via USB to the Dell. Run the setup.exe inside the archive.

Installed fresh Windows XP on Dell workstation. Downloaded drivers for a specific service tag using another computer onto a USB. Plug the USB into the Dell and can't execute any of the drivers. When I click on the drivers a cmd window blinks really fast but nothing happens.

What is the problem? I downloaded drivers for appropriate Windows version for the Dell computer. There was only one option for drivers filtering: "Windows XP"

What driver executables look like on Dell:

enter image description here

EDIT: Copying the driver executables off USB to the computer didn't fix the problem.

EDIT2: The downloaded drivers are NOT corrupted. They execute on the other machine. I ran the driver on Dell via cmd and got the following message: "Program is too big to fit in memory"

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