Saturday, 23 February 2019

Windows 7 taskbar as sidebar, minimum width fixed

This may sound like a trivial and unnecessary question, but it keeps annoying me more and more. If you choose "small icons" for the taskbar in Windows 7 and the taskbar is either at the top or the bottom of the screen the taskbar will become pretty small.

Screenshot of a horizontal taskbar

But since I have a widescreen monitor, I'm used to having the taskbar on the side of the screen, since it uses the space more efficiently. But I can't get the taskbar narrower than a certain level and it stays pretty wide.

Screenshot of a vertical taskbar

Is there maybe a registry entry that I could set to get the same width on the side of the screen as the height I am getting at the bottom or top?

(P.S.: The MinWidth trick doesn't help here.)


One perfect working solution would be:

  • create a ThinTaskbar.bat file

  • enter the following content:

@echo off
echo ThinTaskbar
echo Please wait a few secconds...
net stop "UxSms"
net start "UxSms"

  • save and close

  • turn on the following taskbar options: lock and autohide

  • execute batch script with administrator privileges

  • done!

Now you can disable autohide, if you want. The script must be applied after each reboot.

Source: Youtube

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