Monday, 25 February 2019

redhat enterprise linux - Command to find files for a specific time range

I have a few Linux Red Hat Linux machines and I must find some files on them. The problem is that they have a lot of files and folders since 2004 year. And I don't know where exactly to look for these files.

Is there some terminal command with which I can select a specific time range. I want to see every file which is changed from last month (May) to now.


Yes, the find command can do this. It will take some experimentation and reading and re-reading the man page to get it to do what you want, but is amazing command. Below are 2 examples:

find . -type f -ctime -2 -print0 | xargs -0 tar -rvf ~/dev_customer_attributes.tar
find . -mmin -400 > /tmp/files.txt

The 1st find uses -type f to list only files. -type d for directories. -ctime -2 is for files with a created time less than 2 days old and then adds them to the tar archive. I can't remember from when I used this command or why.

The 2nd command checks for files and directories modified within the last 400 days and outputs that list to files.txt Here's a great info page I just found, too.

Example, In my ~ on my personal laptop are files as old as 2010. And lots that are newer, too. By running find . -ctime -1000 -ctime +600, I get listing like this:


In this case, the Pictures folder had legacy items copied over from before 2010, but which happened with the 400 day period 600 days ago.

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