Tuesday 17 December 2019

macos - How to tell rsync to skip files on a damaged hard drive block, instead of being stuck trying to read it

I am trying to recover files from a disk that has hardware errors.

The disk was repaired by disk utility, but it told me that the disk is damaged, so I need to backup everything before a failure will happen.

So I tried to copy the files via finder, but it gets stuck. Tried other utilities and they get stuck trying to copy the files, when the head hits the damaged block.

So I tried with rsync, and it seems to work; but it takes forever when I hit a bad block.

So I was wondering, if there is a way to tell Rsync to not even bother with a file, if it takes too long?Either I can specify the number of try with each file, or how long it needs to try for each file?

I am not sure how long this drive will last honestly, so I want to get all the data off ASAP, while I can still mount it and see the data on it in finder.

This is what I am using as command; please advice if there is any way to reduce the try on a file, so I can have rsync to try to read the damaged blocks, but avoid to get stuck on a specific sector for too long.

rsync -arv -e--ignore-errors --partial-dir=/Volumes/backup/partial /Volumes/work /Volumes/backup

Thanks in advance.

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