Tuesday 31 December 2019

microsoft excel - Divide information

I have an Excel file with several rows (about 1k). Each row describe some action of one user and (my bad) for differents actions there are differents rows. Something like this

      action              user
=============== =====
r1 lore ipsum 1 user1
r2 lore ipsum 2 user1
r3 lore ipsum 3 user2
r4 lore ipsum 1 user2
r5 lore ipsum 2 user3
r6 lore ipsum 4 user1
r7 lore ipsum 5 user1

As you can see, I have multiple actions for user1. All I need is to put on a single row all the actions of user1 and on the other rows the other actions for the other users (in the same way as for user1) witohut duplicates on the "user" column. Something like this:

      action              user
=============== =====
r1 lore ipsum 1 user1
lore ipsum 2
lore ipsum 4
lore ipsum 5
r2 lore ipsum 3 user2
lore ipsum 1
r3 lore ipsum 2 user3

How can i do that? Thanks a lot


Here's a sample of how your data might be stored:


Select one of the cells of the table, just like the picture above. Then go to menu Insert > Pivot Tables. It will select all your data and prompt a Dialog like this:

new pivot table

I'm sorry! My Excel is in Portuguese, but I believe you can follow the pictures.

Click Ok. It will create a new Sheet, like this:

new sheet is now created

And a menu will be shown in the right:

pivot table fields

Drag and drop user, the drag and drop action, to the Row Label, in the left-bottom box.

Row Label

The result will look like:

Final result

See if this is satisfactory for you, or if you want something else. We can work on something at this point, but maybe this is what will need, I don't know.

Sorry the delay to answer, I'm in job time ;)

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