Friday, 27 December 2019

crash - Completely Uninstall Visual Studio 2010

I've got a bug with visual studio 2010, whenever I try to run my program with debugging enabled it pops up an error message saying "Error While Trying to Run Project: Uncaught exception thrown by method called through Reflection". This happens even on a fresh project, so it's not my code.

I tried uninstalling through the uninstaller and reinstalling but it still breaks.

What steps to I have to take to completely remove or repair all of the files Visual Studio could be relying on that're breaking it?

I'm running Windows 7, with the new Service Pack. I can boot into Ubuntu 10.4 if required, though visual studio is not set to run on that OS.

P.S> I'm aware of, but it's both for a much older system and the latest OS it even mentions is XP, so I doubt its relevance.

EDIT: Bit more info

If I go into linux and create a new folder (let's call this folder TESTPERMS for now) and I navigate to where that folder is in the terminal and enter ls -l I get this result

drwx------ 1 nick nick       0 2011-03-16 20:08 TESTPERMS

I then enter the command chmod 777 TESTPERMS

I get this result:

drwx------ 1 nick nick       0 2011-03-16 20:08 TESTPERMS

I try sudo chmod 777 TESTPERMS

I get this result:

drwx------ 1 nick nick       0 2011-03-16 20:08 TESTPERMS

Permissions just aren't changing.


OK, well I only managed to fix matters by completely reformatting. I'll leave this open if there's anybody else who gets this issue but I'll no longer be able to test solutions.


I was able to find this with a quick google search (link): Debugger start fails if the IntelliTrace recordings directory is Read-Only

By default, IntelliTrace files are located in the "%ProgramData%\Microsoft Visual
Studio\10.0\TraceDebugging\" directory. If this directory is made read-only, or the
directory is changed to a read-only location, an uncaught exception gets raised to the
user. "Error while trying to run project: Uncaught exception thrown by method called
through Reflection."

To resolve this issue:

* Option 1: Modify the permissions of the directory to be writable. 
* Option 2: Change the directory where IntelliTrace recordings are stored.
o In Visual Studio, open the Options dialog box.
o Expand the IntelliTrace item in the left pane of the dialog box.
o Click the Advanced item under IntelliTrace.
o Change the IntelliTrace recordings directory to one that is not read-only.
o Click OK.

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