Thursday 28 February 2019

windows 7 - Pressing Ctrl + Shift + G opens up my browser

I use Eclipse and Firefox on Windows 7.

Ctrl+Shift+G in Eclipse is supposed to do a search for references, but instead it does a Google search in Firefox.

Why is this happening, and how can I make it stop?


ClipX a clip board history tool was using the shortcut. I removed the shortcut setting there, and now everything works fine.

windows 7 - Triple boot problem: XP x Seven x Ubuntu

This was my HD setup one week ago:

sda1: EXT4 => / (Ubuntu root)
sda2: NTFS => Windows XP C:
sda5: EXT4 => /home
sda6: SWAP
sda7: NTFS => All my files like music videos etc
sda4: Blank

All was nice and shiny. Then I updated my XP to Seven.
Good! Almost working 100%, but my webcam didn't managed to work as it did on XP.
So I thought: "time to install XP in that last partition!"
And so I did.

sda2: NTFS => Windows 7 C:
sda4: NTFS => Windows XP G:

Of course I know XP would wipe out my GRUB.
And here starts my war.

I tried 2 times to restore my GRUB by the way I know (liveCD > chroot > grub-install), but they didn't work. So I read at Ubuntu-wiki about, instead of using grub-install, type grub and do things manually... Something like root (hd0) and setup (hd0,0).
And so grub came up. Fine, then.
I made my menu.lst like this:

hd(0,1) Windows 7
hd(0,3) Windows XP

By some reason when I tried to open the second entrie it started WXP. And if I tried the third, it gives me an erros about something like "NTDLR missing".

So I thought "if the best way to do this from the scratch is XP > 7 > Ubuntu, so lets fix XP boot, then 7, then GRUB.

Went to the XP Setup CD Command-line, did fixboot and fixmbr.
It booted to the XP just fine.
Went to the Seven Rescue options, but it didn't recognized XP when I asked to rebuild the bootloader. There was a text like this "if it didn't work, you can try again". And so I tried. Restarted.
There was an strange Seven bootloader giving me the options:

  • Ubuntu 9.04 (wtf is ubuntu doing here at Windows bootloader?!)

  • Windows 7

  • Windows XP

Final results:

  • Windows 7 booting

  • Windows XP throwing me the same NTDLR error

  • Ubuntu saying something about an strange bootloader from 2005 that was starting my partition. But I think that, if it really worked, wouldn't do it with my EXT4 partition.

Any ideas about how to get my GRUB with those 3 options (or anything like that)?

After much trouble between using Ubuntu Live CD, SuperGrub CD, Windowses CDs and trying to use EasyBCD, I ended up 2 days after that with a Grub with options for Ubuntuses and "Windows Menu", that loads EasyBCD menu. Better than nothing...
But my ubuntu is not loading correctly.
It says Boot from (hd0,0) ext4 <>
After some time it loads the Ubuntu graphic loader.. All normal until now. It's bar keeps bouncing, and after some time it throws this on a black screen:

Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems:
- Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)
* Check rootdelay=
* Check root=
- Missing modules
ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/<> does not exist. Dropping to a shell!

And then it opens busybox...
I tried to create a file with that uuid on the right place (/dev/disk/by-uuid from my sda1) just like the other were: symlinks. After that I tried booting ubuntu again... Same problem; and I couldn't find the new uuid there, inside busybox.

Whats happening now? =(


Yes, as nobody answered my updated question, I'll close it here.
I ended the triple boot problem by having EasyBCD as Windows Menu and GRUB as the first menu, that lemme choose between ubuntuses and Windows Menu.

internet explorer - How to enable Edge mode in IE?

I prefer the desktop IE interface to the new “Microsoft Edge” browser and I have IE set up the way I want (ad blocking, etc.). I do not want, however, to be constrained by the legacy MSHTML/Trident engine, which IE seems to default to. How can I enable the use of EdgeHTML by default in IE?

Can I move Linux from running on a USB to a hard drive partition?

I'm working on helping my brother with a project. He has been running Lubuntu Linux from a USB drive while he was setting up some server and web projects (proof of concept). Now that he has the official OK from his company to roll it out, he would like to transfer the OS that resides on the USB to a partition on his hard drive, so he can avoid having to reconfigure everything on a clean install. Neither of us has cloned a Linux install before, so I'm not sure where to start or if this type of clone/move is even possible.

Which editions of Windows 8 support Windows To Go?

With the consumer previews of Windows 8, I was able to install and run Windows 8 off a thumbdrive/USB hard drive. Is this still supported in the retail release, and can I still do this using the professional edition of Windows 8, or is this an Enterprise only feature?


Unfortunately this is still an Enterprise only feature. From Windows For Your Business blog

Here’s an overview of some of the key features that will be available exclusively to Windows 8 Enterprise customers (and note this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Windows To Go is a fully manageable corporate Windows 8 desktop on a bootable external USB stick. This will allow IT organizations to support the “Bring Your Own PC” trend and businesses can give contingent staff access to the corporate environment without compromising security.

linux - How do I install a newer version of GTK in Ubuntu without replacing the current one?

I am trying to compile file-roller from git, but running gives me this error

configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-3.0 >= 2.91.1) were not met:

No package 'gtk+-3.0' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables GTK_CFLAGS
and GTK_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

I am running Ubuntu Maverick and don't wish to completely replace my current version of gtk, glib, etc.

I have tried to compile GTK using the --prefix argument of, but this gives me a similar error about my version of glib.

How can I successfully compile file-roller using these new libraries without borking my install?

macos - How can I get SelfControl to always run?

I use the SelfControl app.

Is there a way to make it always run?


Yes. Simply open System Preferences from the /Applications folder, select "Accounts" and, with your user name highlighted in the list to the left, select the "Login items" tab. Either drag and drop SelfControl into the list, or click the "+" button and navigate to its location.

Then, SelfControl will always start up when you log in.

You'll need to download and install Daniel Jalkut's Usable Keychain Scripting to quickly and securely access your admin password in order to activate SelfControl.

Add password to Keychain

Open Keychain Create a new password by typing Cmd-N or going to File » New Password Item... Under Keychain Item Name, type 'SelfControl.' Make up any Account Name in the next field, and in the Password field, type the password for your user account (the password you would use to authenticate anything in OS X). Click 'Add', and you should now have a new application password entitled 'SelfControl' in your Keychain.

Create the AppleScript

Paste the following contents (originally from here)to a new window of AppleScript

on run argv
set defaultTime to 1440

set myTime to item 1 of argv as number
on error
set myTime to defaultTime
end try

tell application "Usable Keychain Scripting"
tell current keychain
set myPass to (password of first generic item ¬
whose name contains "SelfControl")

-- eliminate invisible characters, or "gremlins," from password
set x to quoted form of myPass
set myPass to do shell script "echo " & x & " | perl -pe 's/[^[:print:]]//g'"
end tell
end tell

tell application "SelfControl" to activate

tell application "System Events"
tell process "SelfControl"
tell slider of window "SelfControl" to set value to myTime
click button "Start" of window "SelfControl"
end tell
tell window 1 of process "SecurityAgent"
with timeout of 15 seconds
set tryAgain to false
set value of text field 2 of scroll area 1 of group 1 to myPass
on error
delay 1
set tryAgain to true
end try
if not tryAgain then exit repeat
end repeat
click button 2 of group 2
end timeout
end tell
end tell
end run

We set defaultTime to 1440 (i.e. 24 hours) here so you can automatically kick off SelfControl for the maximum time.

Now, from AppleScript Editor, save this file somewhere by pressing File » Save, e.g. /Users/your-username/SelfControl.scpt, which would be in our home folder. Remember that path.

Create the launchd entry

Then open your favourite text editor or the Property List that comes with the Mac OS X Dev tools on Snow Leopard or is integrated into Xcode on Lion.

Either way, paste the following contents, but make sure to change the path to the script accordingly (it't the one we remembered above):





Save this file with the .plist extension under /Users/your-username/Library/LaunchAgents/my.selfcontrol.launcher.plist. If the Library folder is hidden, you can open Finder, press CmdShiftG and paste ~/Library to open it.

Load the launchd entry

Finally, open a terminal and run:

launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/my.selfcontrol.launcher.plist

This will tell launchd to open the AppleScript and start SelfControl for twenty four hours every twenty four hours.

Since it's in ~/Library/LaunchAgents it will be loaded automatically when you log in. If you want your computer back, replace load in the above command with unload, then wait for the remaining SelfControl time to expire.

installation - installer script for multiple software packages

I will need to package an older java application with it's dependencies on Windows which are quite a lot. I've exported a runnable .jar and got the depending native libraries, but still I need to make sure prerequisites are installed like:

  1. JDK6 or at least JRE6 (with environment PATH variable pointing to the bin directory)

  2. Quicktime

  3. WinVDIG

I don't have a lot of experience with batch files or installers on windows so could use some help.

I see some people make bundles (like Zigfu for example which installs OpenNI/NITE/Drivers and sets environment variables). Is it easy to make those ? If so, how ? They look 'clean'/easier to the typical user.

I presume a batch file might be easier, right ? Can I check when a package finished installing and set/check environment variables ? If so, how ?



JRE Install

:: Java Begin
START /WAIT %cd%\JRE16\jre-6u30-windows-i586.exe /s ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
IF EXIST "%PUBLIC%\Desktop\Java Web Start.LNK" DEL "%PUBLIC%\Desktop\Java Web Start.LNK"
IF EXIST "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Java Web Start\Java Web Start.LNK" RD /Q /S "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Java Web Start"
IF EXIST "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Java Web Start\Java Web Start.LNK" RD /Q /S "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Java Web Start"
:: Java Configure on x86 systems
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\1.6.0_24" /v HideSystemTrayIcon /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy" /v EnableJavaUpdate /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy" /v EnableAutoUpdateCheck /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy" /v NotifyDownload /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy" /v NotifyInstall /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v SunJavaUpdateSched /f
:: Java End

speedup java:

java -Xshare:dump


QuickTimeInstaller.exe /extract

silent install msi

How to set up a silent install of QuickTime through a batch script


WinVDIG download

Inno Setup Unpacker info

Inno Setup Unpacker download

unpack WinVDIG:

innounp.exe -x WinVDIG_101.exe

see install_script.iss

write copy file script, or create msi

Oh, install 8-10 java VM and test java env ... it not work.

Use %APPDATA%\Sun\Java\Deployment\


get your java, set path at cmd, run JVM

JDK registry powershell

powershell gci 'hklm:\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit'-rec^|gp^|select JavaHome

JRE registry powershell

powershell gci 'hklm:\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment'-rec^|gp^|select JavaHome

Java Webstart registry powershell

powershell gci 'hklm:\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start'-rec^|gp^|select Home

JVM 64:

dir /A:D /B %ProgramFiles%\Java

JVM 32:

dir /A:D /B %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java

start menu - Windows 10 startup folder missing

Why don't I see the startup folder in my Windows 10 start menu?

I am scrolling down by the alphabetical sorting - R, S and there isn't any Startup there. If I go to %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup I can see the folder is there and I have two items in it. How do I fix the start menu so it is also there as it should?

Going to some deep folder structure under %appdata% looking for this folder is not really a user-friendly way...

wireless networking - Streaming Games from PC to TV

Currently my PC (Running Windows 7) is in my bedroom, while my TV is in my living room. I was wondering if there was a way to play my Steam games on my TV? Some of the more obvious solutions are one very long HDMI cable or moving my computer to the living room, which are two roads I don't want to go down.

Other viable options are buying a Steam Machine. The issue however is not all my Steam Games are compatible with the SteamOS or Linux. Not to mention that I will then have two systems (The Steam Machine and my PC) to worry about upgrading once their hardware eventually becomes out dated. I've scoured the web and found a few things I can connect directly into my TV's HDMI port which allows it to wirelessly pick up on the game my PC streams to it, however further reading tells me that such things are prone to lag.

Is there any technology that will allow me to stream and play my Steam games on my TV without lag or lengthy wires that are tripping hazards?


without lag

If you're referring to Miracast adapters, you are right that -- depending on the network conditions and the quality of the adapter -- these can sometimes experience lag and frame drops. Ideally you would have a Miracast or WiDi setup that you've carefully configured so that it doesn't interfere with other wireless in your house (bluetooth, WiFi, etc). since it operates on the same frequency bands. There may also be Miracast adapters that advertise a longer than average operating range, or have a directional antenna that you could tune to point right at your PC.

lengthy wires that are tripping hazards

Run the cable(s) under the carpet or along the side of the wall and tie them down; problem solved :) But seriously this is the more fool-proof way to go about it with as many restrictions as you're placing on this setup (can't move PC, can't have HTPC, can't have SteamBox, etc.)

Also, no matter what you do, you'll need to have some kind of WiFi based keyboard and mouse... Logitech Unifying stuff, for example. Do not try to use bluetooth equipment because it will not be able to handle the distance between your living room and the bedroom, especially if there isn't a line of sight (walls/floor between them).

My recommendation would be:

  1. Try (hard!) to work out the logistics of getting your cables installed neatly, either under carpet, in the wall, or something other than just laying it in the walkway.

  2. Failing that, buy a bunch of Miracast adapters from a store that has a good return policy, and keep returning them until you find one that works.

If you aren't willing to go down either of these routes, then the answer to your question is no, there is no way to do this, you are completely stuck and will be unable to resolve your problem in any way, shape, or form.

windows 7 - Not able to use pen drive after cleaning it using command prompt

I had downloaded Chrome OS Vanilla and wrote it to an 8 GB pen drive. After I checked it out I tried to remove it.

I plugged in my pen drive and it asked me to format it. There was only one option of 1 GB. After formatting I just had 1GB on my pen drive.

Then I followed this procedure:

  • Run » CommandPrompt

  • Type diskpart » Enter

  • Type list disk » Enter

  • Find out the allocated number of your disk

  • Type select disk X » Enter (X is the number for your drive)

  • Type clean » Enter

After following this when I plug in my device it asks me to format disk. It shows unknown capacity.

After clicking start it says Windows was unable to complete the format. Then when I close it, it says:

Windows can't format H. Check to see that the disk and drive are connected properly, make sure that the disk is not read-only, and then try again. For more information, search Help for read-only files and how to change them.

Now I cannot use it and it has no memory.

In disk management, I had right clicked and clicked create new simple volume. Then I got my 8 GB back but in RAW format and it was write protected. The next day, when I plugged in my USB it was write protected and disk management shows Unallocated.(now)

After typing clean and pressing Enter in command prompt I get:

DiskPart has encountered an error: Incorrect function. See the System Event Log for more information.

When I double click the device in Computer:

I:\ is not accessible.

The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted.

When I run HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool, V2.1.8 and click format I get:

Device media is write protected

Wednesday 27 February 2019

hyperlink - Hyperlinking a piece of text in Excel

I'm using Excel 2010 and I have a simple problem where I need to hyperlink a certain part of my text. My cell content is as simple as "For blablabla, click here." I want to add a hyperlink to the "here".

Does anyone know how can I do this?

windows 7 - What does "Write cache buffer flushing" mean

As in the Windows 7 Disk Policy Options:

[x] Enable Write Caching on the device
[ ] Turn off Windows write-cache buffer flushing on the device

Is the first the cache on the physical disk, and the second the windows cache?

(I've googled, but didn't find a clear answer).


See "more information" section from

Many disk devices provide enhanced performance through the use of an onboard cache, which provides read-ahead caching for data that is being read from the disk, and write-behind caching (or delayed writes or "lazy" writes) for data that is being written to disk. In some cases, it is important for data to be written to the physical disk immediately, and not retained in the disk's onboard write cache to be written later during an otherwise idle moment. This prevents loss or corruption of this data if the disk or controller (wherever the write cache is implemented) suddenly loses power

Write caching improves disk performance greatly, so leave it on for internal hard drives.

Windows turns write caching Off for flash drives and other usb hard drives by default, normally you do not have to ever modify these settings, Windows takes care of it for you.

windows 7 - Should I use a "Small Memory Dump" or "Kernel Memory Dump?"

I use Memory Dumps to analyse BSODs and other crashes, and generally keep my PC set to the standard "Small Memory Dump" setting, as shown below.

enter image description here

However, there is another setting, "Kernel memory dump", avaliable as well. What's the difference between the two types of dumps, and which one is better for crash analysis?


There are basically three types of kernel-mode dump files:

Windows 8 introduced a fourth type: Automatic Memory Dump.

The main difference between them is the size: smaller dump files will get written quickly to disk and take less space; larger dump files will contain more debugging information which might be useful.

Another difference is the location and the overwriting behavior. Complete/kernel dumps are written to C:\Windows\Memory.dmp by default, overwriting the previous file (if any). Small dumps are stored in the C:\Windows\Minidump folder, and since each dump is given a different name, previous ones are preserved.

From my limited experience, I can say small dumps alone usually have enough data to diagnose basic issues. Either way, you should disable the automatic restart option. This way you can actually see the bug check technical details in case the system fails to create a memory dump.

Complete memory dump

This file includes all of the physical memory that is used by Windows. A complete memory dump does not, by default, include physical memory that is used by the platform firmware.

This dump file requires a pagefile on your boot drive that is at least as large as your main system memory; it should be able to hold a file whose size equals your entire RAM plus one megabyte.

Source: Complete Memory Dump

Kernel memory dump

This kind of dump file is significantly smaller than the Complete Memory Dump. Typically, the dump file will be around one-third the size of the physical memory on the system. Of course, this quantity will vary considerably, depending on your circumstances.

For most purposes, this crash dump is the most useful. It is significantly smaller than the Complete Memory Dump, but it only omits those portions of memory that are unlikely to have been involved in the crash.

Source: Kernel memory dump

Small memory dump

This kind of dump file can be useful when space is greatly limited. However, due to the limited amount of information included, errors that were not directly caused by the thread executing at time of crash may not be discovered by an analysis of this file.

Source: Small memory dump

How to run a 2nd boot instance of Windows 7 on another partition?

*This is my 1st post/question - I believe it's a very similar problem/challenge as isipro at --

Get boot-partition to recognize a second operating system

but it seems I'm directed to ask my own question vs replying or expanding theirs.

My scenario:

base.0 = 1st Drive Snapshot image of win.7x64sp1 Ultimate, drivers only + minimal utilities

base.1 = 2nd Drive Snapshot image of same [win.7x64sp1 Ultimate], 75% all apps installed

base.2 = 3rd Drive Snapshot image of same [win.7x64sp1 Ultimate], 100% all apps installed

..... *base.2 is installed to C:\ as the boot drive --
I have a 100 MB System Reserved partition w/ BCD.

I have no problem re-imaging C:\ in order to change between & update the different DS images,
but I want to be able to native-boot into an instance of any image on a 2nd partition,
with the choice available at boot-time.

Using an already-prepared image obviously saves time
by not having to invest the setup/tweak time again.

I want to native-boot vs. virtual machine OR vhd -- though I do use these for other purposes.

My Goal:

I want to install my image of base.0 to a partition B:\, for the purpose of native booting
(no virtual machine desired for this) into a separate instance of a minimal OS
for app-testing purposes.

This separate instance will persist across re-boots until I desire to re-image & "start over"
from an unchanged baseline.

  • I've followed the steps to configure the BCD as outlined by Jamie Hanrahan in isipro's thread, and I get success at the CMD, as well as a separate entry upon boot,
    so it would seem that everything looks/appears good.


-- when i select the new boot entry, the machine boots up into the desired partition B:\,

-- as evidenced under Disk Management's "Status" column:

B: = (Healthy, Boot, Crash Dump, Logical Drive)
C: = (Healthy, Primary Partition)

-- but it's the base.2 INSTANCE of the OS which is actually booted -- NOT the base.0 that I intend,

-- as evidenced by the presence of base.2 desktop, Start Menu, apps, etc.

I'll greatly appreciate the help to understand what/how other internal components need to be changed - in addition to the new BCD entry, for this type of procedure to be successful.

Thank You


AT LAST !! Success after several years of wondering/experimenting/failing !!

Maybe this thread should be retitled --

"native boot 2 (identical or differential) clones from the same lineage, on the same disk (from different partitions, of course)"

Short Description: ASS-uming you understand, & correctly implement, a proper BCD

[which just might be a HUGE ASS-umption for many peeps],

then this whole quest doesn't involve the BCD at all, per se --

it involves stripping out specific identifiers and registry configurations within the OS install itself -- which brings me to the .....

Short Solution: Sysprep the install !

(warning: you may be in for a steep learning curve whilst solving the particular problems YOUR master install image presents)

This is what finally worked -- what finally allowed the [sysprepped] clone to be installed to a different partition on the same disk as its parent, and boot independently without any references or over-writes to/of its parent.

Medium-Short Solution: Use Virtual Machines or VHDs -- possibly much quicker to deploy, & offering several options regarding How they're created, etc.

Medium-Long Solution: Resign yourself to manually install & config the OS all over again - BUT !!

using as many Portable apps as you can -- either 3rd party, or create your own w/ [$$$] VMWare-Thinapp, Spoon-Xenocode, Cameyo, etc.

Then, as you invest time in preparing your own Custom Gold Master, make a careful log file [+ screen caps] of the order of installs, tweaks, etc. to guide you and reduce the time it takes for future deployments.

I find Nir Sofer's "MyUninstaller" an indispensable tool, as it has columns to show install Date - Time - Version - App Name - etc., which I make a screencap of & use as my reference of What was done When, etc.

Long Solution/Long Answer: Invest time in studying & learning the Microsoft documentation of the FREE Deployment tools !

I firmly believe People like me post these kinds of questions searching for Ease-of-Use methods, because we really want Nuhi to reincarnate nLite/vLite with a point-and-click/no-THought-involved method of dealing w/ Windows 7 --> 8 > 10 > future OS's!

... oh, and throw in a little of the DAZ Loader or KMSPico while we're at it, eh?

[just to take care of that pesky concept of ..... "I know I technically CAN, but legally - MAY I?"]

Listen - there are LEGAL methods for EXTENDED tryouts [re-Arms] of Windows OS's, plus, what do you think Nuhi, et. al., based/base their GUI deployment methods on??

-- the underlying Microsoft "api" if you will, which is just as available to you and me to bust our ass studying and learning from, as it was to Nuhi, et. al. -- which they apparently paid the time/price to Master!

And if all that's too much, then at the very least take advantage of VHDs, which are a nice compromise between --

"Yeah, we'll legally allow you to do it -- but only w/ these Editions [Enterprise/Ultimate]".

peace, and Happy Deploying!

Why are computers slow to come back from hibernate?

Hibernation is supposed to write out RAM contents to disk, and coming back from hibernation is supposed to fill back RAM with saved contents. Why is coming back from hibernation slow, e.g. system is very unresponsive in general for quite some time?


The main cause is disk I/O. Reading and writing to a physical disk is much slower than from RAM. When your computer resumes from disk (hibernation) it also has to power up the components which may cause some slowdown. This is highly dependent on the computer. A SSD will have almost the same resume speed from disk as from RAM. Some computers let you move the mouse around before the ram has been completely filled up again, causing low response times.

Note: Assume you have 8GB of RAM and a SSD with 400MB/s throughput. It will still take 8*1024MB/400MB/s = 20.48s. This is not the same speed as resume from RAM.

Assuming a RAM throughput of 15,000MB/s, the resume time is 0.55 seconds.

linux - How to start an interactive bash with su

I do not have sudo su over a username, however I have its password. I want to have an script that passes the password and gives me an interactive bash.

I have tried this:

echo mypassword | su - otherusr
Password: Last login: Wed Jul 25 12:09:38 COT 2018
[myuser@myserver ~]$

It returns me to myuser and I do not have an interactive bash with the other user.

I tried also:

echo mypassword | su -c "/bin/bash" - otherusr
echo mypassword | su -s "/bin/bash" - otherusr
echo mypassword | su -c "/bin/bash -i" - otherusr
Password: bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
bash-4.2$ exit

How can I do that? I want to create an script that returns me an interactive bash session with another user; not just execute a command with another user.


By default neither sudo nor su reads a password from stdin. They try to use a terminal device directly (some implementations may even complain when used in a pipe). There is sudo -S option to change this behavior, but as far as I know there is no similar option for su.

Solution: use expect.

expect is a program that "talks" to other interactive programs according to a script. Following the script, expect knows what can be expected from a program and what the correct response should be.


In general, expect is useful for running any program which requires interaction between the program and the user. All that is necessary is that the interaction can be characterized programmatically.

In your case the script may be:


log_user 0
spawn /bin/su - otherusr
expect "Password: "
send "mypassword\n"

I advise to make this script accessible only to you (chmod go-rwx). Other users shouldn't be allowed to read it because it contains mypassword in plaintext; they shouldn't be allowed to run it, because it gives access to otherusr's shell.

Windows 10 laptop keeps adapting brightness ("Adaptive Brightness" is disabled)

My Windows 10 laptop keeps adapting the brightness of my screen.

I did some research and found that the problem could be the Windows' "adaptive Brightness" feature. I disabled it but kept having the same issue.

So, I did some more research and found that the Intel's "Display Power Saving Technology" could be the issue. So, I disabled it, but I keep having the same problem.

Does anyone know what else can be doing this brightness adaptation. It is starting to become very frustrating.


Changing power plan settings did not work, you need to type ''run'' then type ''services.msc''

Search in the list for ''sensor monitoring service'' right click on it, properties and disable the service, hit apply.

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Intel\Display\igfxcui\profiles\media\Brighten Movie and change ProcAmpBrightness to 0

also navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Intel\Display\igfxcui\profiles\media\Darken Movie and change ProcAmpBrightness to 0


windows 8 - Is the Windows8/10 start screen capable of spanning 2 monitors?

Is the Windows8 start screen capable of spanning 2 monitors? This is not a question of multiple monitor support; this is a question of whether the Windows-8 start screen is able to display across 2 monitors, not as a mirrored display but as a additive display to the width of the single screen start screen. Or, does a app exist that I can purchase for it to do this?

osx snow leopard - Get songs off of Windows iPod and onto a Mac

I have been using iTunes on a Dell running Windows XP to sync about 60 gigs of songs with my old school iPod. Well, the Dell's hard drive died the other day, and the only place that I have my music is on the iPod (I do have the CDs, but really don't want to have to re-rip 60 gigs of music).

So, now I have a shiny new MacBook Pro. Is there a way to get my songs off of my iPod and onto the MacBook? I googled, and found Senuti. But, I'm leery of accidentally formating the iPod and losing my songs, and I can't tell if it is Snow Leopard compatible yet.

Has anyone recently gone through this process? Please provide suggestions for copying songs from an iPod formated to work with Windows onto a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard.



Ars Technica has a whole guide on this. They recommend PodWorks for OS X, iRip for Windows and gtkpod for Linux.

windows - How do I decrease the size of the page file?

I just upgraded my laptop RAM to 12GB (W510, 4 DIMM slots), and since I am using a SSD, I find hard drive space to be quite precious. However, since I have more than enough RAM for most stuff, I think I can get by with probably around 4GB of page file. however, on C drive, there is a pagefile.sys which I assume to be reserving space for page files in the OS, how would I decrease the size of this file?

windows 7 - Why can't I delete files that "do not exist", but appear in my download directory?

I've downloaded three videos. I moved them to a different folder where I put all my videos, however a copy of the files still show up in my download directory. I tried (in Explorer and cmd.exe) to delete them, move them, rename them, or open them but Windows says Could not find this item. so the file no longer exist in that directory but it still appears there. How can I remove these from my download folder? I have also tried to replace the file with another by saving over it but instead they sit next to each other side by side and I can delete either one but after that, the other can't be deleted. They also take up no space.

I am using Windows 7 and the files were downloaded via Firefox onto an NTFS file system.


I have seen Explorer showing files for a while after they were deleted, so my first guess would be that it was in fact deleted but left behind as a “ghost”.

If however the file is still present after rebooting, then it is not that. Instead, it could have been in use by a program, Explorer, or an anti-virus program. I would suggest trying Unlocker to release/delete it, but again, you said the file was recreated, so it would not be that.

Finally, I am left with only one option: a filename conflict. They are rare (they are not supposed to happen), but certain circumstances (like race-conditions) can lead to them occurring. In this case, the best way to deal with them is the same as when dealing with files with invalid filenames (like those with illegal characters in them or spaces in the DOS days). There are two ways to handle this situation now, both from the command-prompt, so open a command-prompt to the folder containing the files:

  • Use > dir /x  to view the 8.3 format filenames and use that to delete the files in question


  • Use wildcards like > del *problem*file* 

Tuesday 26 February 2019

slideshow - How can I have the PowerPoint Slide Sorter on my laptop's screen, and the full-screen slide on the projector?

I'll be doing a rather non-linear presentation (more of a Q&A) where I'll need to pull up arbitrary slides from a long presentation. The fastest way I can jump from one slide to another is to use the Slide Sorter (View -> Slide Sorter in PowerPoint 2007).

In single-screen mode (or duplicate display), I can click on a slide in Slide Sorter, then press Shift+F5 to display it full-screen. Fantastic, just what I need.

Now how can I do that when a projector is connected, so that on my laptop's screen I see the Slide Sorter, but the audience only sees the slide I selected, full-screen?

windows 7 - Adobe PDF icon disappeared?

Starting last week I've noticed that all my PDF files now have a generic white document as an icon instead of the original Adobe PDF icon.

I've reinstalled Adobe Reader, repaired it, and have had no success in getting the original icon back. The generic document icon is really getting into my head now... it's just... generic.

Is there any way to fix this?


You could try to fix incorrectly shown icons, and rebuild the icon cache. Assuming you're on Windows Vista or 7, the following links include the details:

terminology - What is the meaning of dual core vs. dual cpus?

What is the difference between multiple CPU processors (ie: Pentium D) and multicore processors (ie: Core 2 duo)?


Multiple CPU processors (like the Pentium D) are literally just two distinct CPUs (two dies) that just happen to share the same physical package.

So, instead of having 2 CPUs in 2 sockets, you have 2 CPUs that just happen to fit in one socket together. Basically, there's no difference between having, say, 2 physical early-generation Xenon CPUs (each in their own socket) and a single Pentium D. (Note: This is very much a simplification.)

Multi-core CPU processors (like the the Core 2 series) are two processing units that share the same die (silicon substrate).

So, the multiple CPU processors are like having 2 CPUs which are just conveniently packaged together, whereas the multi-core CPU processors are 2 CPUs on the same chip.

If this seems like a subtle distinction, that's because it is.

Of course, there's more to it than that - for one thing, having the two CPUs on the same die is more efficient (both power-consumption-wise as well as instruction-wise, due to a different internal design). Additionally, having the CPU cores on the same die means they can share things like L1 cache, whereas when the two CPUs are physically separate dies, they each have to have their own cache.

It gets even more complicated when you throw quad-core chips into the mix, because they are 2 dual-core chips which just happen to share the same physical packaging... kind of like the Pentium D. But that's a digression for another day.

printer - Occasional text printing - inkjet or laser?

Is it worth buying a inkjet printer if all I do is text printing, of say, 100 pages per year and that too irregularly? I heard that the inkjets get clogged up if not used regularly. So, should I go for laser printers (which cost 2x here) or stay with inkjets?


I spent years with one inkjet after another dying on me. Finally I got a laser printer and it was the best decision I ever made - and cheaper in the long run when you factor in the cost of ink and the cost of occasionally replacing the entire printer when it clogs up.

What is the Windows hotkey to minimise a single, currently active window?

On Windows Vista, I'm familiar with Windows Key Win + D to show the desktop but sometimes I just want to minimise two or three windows as they become active and not the whole lot.

What hotkey can I use to minimise only the currently active window?


I've been using the shortcut Alt+Space followed by N for years. Works on any Windows version, all the way back to Windows 3.0! It should work with all keyboard layouts and probably even all Windows localizations.

Alt+Space opens the general windows menu. You can open it manually by left-clicking with the mouse on the top left window corner.

The menu contains the options to maximize, minimize, close the window, etc. It also underlines the key you need to press to select the appropriate option ("miNimize").

The N is not a general "hotkey" but an access key – a keyboard shortcut to an entry in a GUI menu that works only if/after the menu opens. The menu items texts differ across localizations (languages), which is why a different letter might be underlined and serve as the access key.

Windows 10 cleaning up my Temp dir too often

I started an R session 8 hours ago, and the temporary directory (in \AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpWAzBY9) has already been deleted while the R session is still running. I got an error in R saying that the tempdir doesn't exist any more. How do I explain to my Windows 10 to not delete Temp so often?

This is the overview of my Startup processes from Task Manager, just to make sure no application is doing that. CCleaner is not doing it, I've installed it few days ago and this is a long term problem.

enter image description here

USB From PC to TV

I was wondering if any have an idea of how to use you pc as an external HDD for the tv, so that you get full access to the HDD from the tv, only using USB browsering.

I know that this is a crazy idea, but it would help me a lot because my TV is a Phillips and the most DLNA servers that i found is not stable all the time.

If you have any idea please tell me, then i will try that out.


USB used a master-slave setup.

Usually one has a host which acts as a master, and a slave device with a totally different role. Those two are not interchangeable. USB even uses clearly distinct connectors to indicate the kind of device and to make sure that you connect a master to a slave, and not two slaves or two masters.

USB connectors (regular size)

To use your PC as a storage device you would either need an USB controller which acts as a slave, or a controller which can be used both as a master or as a slave.

These are not common. Usually you only find them in a few portable devices (such as smartphones) and there it is called USB on the Go. No regular PC that I know off supports this feature.

battery life - Doubt about laptop batteries

Possible Duplicates:
Is it better to use laptop on battery or on AC power?
What is it that kills laptop batteries?

I've heard that using a laptop computer on battery mode on a regular basis (at least two hours a day) Can prolong the battery's lifetime.

I'm not talking about increasing its duration per charge cycle, but its years of usefulness.

Is this true?


This reminds me of a recent Slashdot article, watch the video and it should become pretty apparent why constant charging it is not a good idea. So to answer your question if you have a lithium ion batter which most laptops have (I can't think of any laptops with nicad) it is not good to constantly charge and discharge the battery.

from the article:

As lithium ions flow from the positively charged cathode into the 200-nanometre diameter wires of tin oxide that make up the negatively charged anode, the nanowires writhe and bulge, causing them to expand up to 2.5 fold. The wires also change structure from a neatly ordered crystal to a disordered glassy material.

Postpone install of Windows 10 for 1 month?

I currently run Windows 7, and I reserved a copy of Windows 10. I got a prompt that it is ready to install yesterday, but when it asks what date to schedule the installation for; you can only choose within the next 3 days.

I've read online that there are a number of teething problems (as there always tend to be) - and I want to delay the installation for 4 weeks while any bugs are ironed out.

I use my laptop for programming work and it must be a stable environment; but I don't want to delete the install files/not do the upgrade. I do want to upgrade, but in a month's time.

Is it possible?

Not a duplicate: The other question deals with how to permanently get rid of the upgrade. I just want to delay it for a month. I've posted an answer which follows much different steps to the other question.

How to create a Symbolic Link on Windows 10?

Was reading and I know junction/mklink worked in Windows 7 as well, but seems like the junction command has been retired in Windows 10.

What's the correct way to make symlinks in Windows 10?


It seems like the junction command has been retired in Windows 10.

You can download junction from Windows SysInternals (which is part of Microsoft):

Junction not only allows you to create NTFS junctions, it allows you to see if files or directories are actually reparse points. Reparse points are the mechanism on which NTFS junctions are based, and they are used by Windows' Remote Storage Service (RSS), as well as volume mount points.

Please read this Microsoft KB article for tips on using junctions.

Note that Windows does not support junctions to directories on remote shares.

So how do I create junctions or directory symbolic links in Windows 10?

Download junction as instructed above.

Now you can use the following commands.

Create a junction:

junction "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\My Dropbox\My Games" "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\My Games"

Create a directory symbolic link:

mklink /D "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\My Dropbox\My Games" "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\My Games"

You can use either mklink /j or junction in Windows 10 to create junctions.

You can use mklink /d in Windows 10 to create directory symbolic links.


  • junction can also list junctions and determine if a file is a junction unlike mklink.

  • mklink is an internal command only available within a cmd shell.

  • By default Administrator privileges are required to create symbolic links.

    It can also be granted to other users. The security setting "Create symbolic links" can be granted at:

    Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\


Using mklink to create a directory symbolic link:

F:\test>mklink /d test-dir-sym-link test
symbolic link created for test-dir-sym-link <<===>> test

Using mklink to create a junction:

F:\test>mklink /j test-junction test
Junction created for test-junction <<===>> test

Using junction to create a junction:

F:\test>C:\apps\NirSoft\SysinternalsSuite\junction.exe test-junction test

Junction v1.06 - Windows junction creator and reparse point viewer
Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -

Created: F:\test\test-junction
Targetted at: F:\test\test

Further Reading

Monday 25 February 2019

redhat enterprise linux - Command to find files for a specific time range

I have a few Linux Red Hat Linux machines and I must find some files on them. The problem is that they have a lot of files and folders since 2004 year. And I don't know where exactly to look for these files.

Is there some terminal command with which I can select a specific time range. I want to see every file which is changed from last month (May) to now.


Yes, the find command can do this. It will take some experimentation and reading and re-reading the man page to get it to do what you want, but is amazing command. Below are 2 examples:

find . -type f -ctime -2 -print0 | xargs -0 tar -rvf ~/dev_customer_attributes.tar
find . -mmin -400 > /tmp/files.txt

The 1st find uses -type f to list only files. -type d for directories. -ctime -2 is for files with a created time less than 2 days old and then adds them to the tar archive. I can't remember from when I used this command or why.

The 2nd command checks for files and directories modified within the last 400 days and outputs that list to files.txt Here's a great info page I just found, too.

Example, In my ~ on my personal laptop are files as old as 2010. And lots that are newer, too. By running find . -ctime -1000 -ctime +600, I get listing like this:


In this case, the Pictures folder had legacy items copied over from before 2010, but which happened with the 400 day period 600 days ago.

windows - No sound in any media player

No media player has any sound. If I try to play any video file there is only video, and no sound. This happens with Windows Media Player and Media Player Classic. I have K Lite Codec Pack version 8 Installed.

When I open Dxdiag it shows the error

Error: Problem getting extra sound info, result code = 0x80004005(Generic Failure)

From the Sound Properties, if I try to open Advance Setting I get the message

DirectSound Setting not available

I can listen system sounds only not media player sound. Why? There is not drivers errors as I can listen sound when I watch videos on

wireless networking - How do I delete previous network connections from Windows 7?

Possible Duplicate:
How to get rid of auto-generated sequence number in network's device name in Windows?

Windows 7 shows 3 network connections under the "change adapter settings"... a local area connection and 2 wireless network connections (one hardware and one MS virtual WiFi miniport). I'm fine with this, but ever since I removed the old WiFi NIC and installed a new one, the wireless network connections have been renamed to wireless network connection 5 (hardware) and wireless network connection 6 (virtual). It's up to 5 and 6 because I had to reinstall the new WiFi NIC a few times to try out different driver versions. I uninstalled the drivers each and every time though.

Anyways, it used to be wireless network connection and wireless network connection 2. When I tried to rename them, Windows tells me that the name already exists; however, 1 thru 4 do not show up in the network connections. How do I delete the old connections if I don't even see them?

Also, I noticed something else about the wireless network connections. I noticed that the wireless network connection 5 used, for example, the name of my NIC (Atheros blah blah #2). The wireless network connection 6 used the MS virtual WiFi miniport #4. Where did the 2 and 4 come from? In the registry I noticed under HKLM\system\controlset001\control\network{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\descriptions that the value data for the Atheros had 1 2, while the MS virtual's value data had 1 2 3 4. For comparison, my Realtek only had 1 for its value data. I wonder if I modified the value data and changed it to 1 on the Atheros and MS virtual that it'll change the name of the adapter (note that this is separate from the question above which is renaming the connection).

formatting - Stop Text Wrap in Word 2010 for an Equation Object

In Word 2010, I have an equation object that wraps at the end of a line. Is there a way to stop it from wrapping? (Since it's an equation object, I can't just use a no break space like would be normal for text.)

laptop - Help with RAM speeds? and Is dual Channel worth it?

I ran crucial's diagnostic software and it says I only have 2GB of ram on my laptop. It says I can have up to 8GB of ram and that I have 1 free slot. So I will buy like another 2GB stick or maybe 4GB stick.

However it also says that the laptop supports dual channel memory. Do I really need to bother with that and buy a pair? It says that each memory slot can hold DDR3 PC3-8500, DDR3 PC3-10600 with a maximum of 4GB per slot.

However it also doesn't say if my current ram is 8500 or 10600... I'm guessing 10600 is faster. Is that correct?

I'm worried about mixing and matching the wrong ram.


your ram will work at the speed of the slowest ram you have - if you have 8500, ALL your ram will run as 8500 (you can check ram speed with WMIC - in a command prompt wmic MEMORYCHIP get speed will give you the speed.)

Dual channel memory gives a slight boost with matched ram, BUT more ram is generally better than matched ram - 4gb of matched ram works better than 4gb of non matched ram, but not better than say, 6 gb of unmatched ram you can either change both your sticks of ram (to 8gb) with a kit (which sometimes is cheaper than buying the two sticks seperatedly) or add a stick of ram (to up to 6 gb). Just remember to get SODIMM ram, or whatever your laptop uses.

Seagate 3TB ST3000DM001 hard drive not recognized by Linux, causes fdisk to hang

I'm running Kubuntu 12.04. I have a brand new, never used Seagate 3TB ST3000DM001 hard drive. It's an internal drive. I installed it in a USB enclosure.

When I connect it to my PC, nothing happens automatically. When I run sudo fdisk -l, fdisk hangs (without reporting this drive) until I disconnect this drive from the USB port. blkid won't report it either.

I tried connecting it to both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports on my PC. I got the same result either way. I tried two different USB enclosures with the same result.

If I take the same drive, same enclosure and connect it to a Windows 7 laptop, it is recognized automatically as a USB mass storage device.

I want to format the drive (probably ext4) and copy files to it. I have another drive, also in a USB enclosure, that is connected via USB 3.0 to this PC and it works fine. It's a 2.0 TB Samsung HDD. I plan to copy files from the 2TB to the 3TB drive, once I get this issue resolved.

My motherboard is an Asus P8B WS LGA1155/ Intel C206/ Quad CrossFireX/ SATA3&USB3.0/ A&2GbE/ ATX. Linux kernel is 3.2.

dmesg output from multiple connection attempts:

[43595.344419] usb 2-1.1: new high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci_hcd
[43605.570093] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
[43605.570435] scsi6 : usb-storage 2-1.1:1.0
[43605.570665] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[43605.570673] USB Mass Storage support registered.
[43606.566344] scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access ST3000DM 001-9YN166 CC4C PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
[43606.568089] sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0
[43606.569510] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
[43606.569884] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] 5860533168 512-byte logical blocks: (3.00 TB/2.72 TiB)
[43606.572883] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
[43606.572892] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 23 00 00 00
[43606.574012] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page present
[43606.574024] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
[43606.574857] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
[43606.576733] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page present
[43606.576740] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
[43636.913914] usb 2-1.1: reset high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci_hcd
[43667.845759] usb 2-1.1: reset high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci_hcd
[43674.904939] usb 2-1.1: USB disconnect, device number 4
[43674.912044] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Unhandled error code
[43674.912055] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT driverbyte=DRIVER_OK
[43674.912065] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00
[43674.912085] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 0
[43674.912094] quiet_error: 6 callbacks suppressed
[43674.912099] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 0
[43674.912242] ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read failed.
[43674.912295] Dev sdb: unable to read RDB block 0
[43674.912377] sdb: unable to read partition table
[43674.912718] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] READ CAPACITY failed
[43674.912731] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT driverbyte=DRIVER_OK
[43674.912739] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense not available.
[43674.913479] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page present
[43674.913487] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
[43674.913492] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk


The Seagate 3TB ST3000DM001 hard drive will work in Linux (I'm using Kubuntu 12.04) with USB 3.0 and an external enclosure. I had to initially format the drive using gdisk while it was mounted internally. Then, with the right external enclosure, simply plug it in and it is recognized automatically. The file manager shows 2.7TB free. It acts like a usual USB hard drive. Everything is typical and there are no problems.

The problems could come from trying to use fdisk or using a drive enclosure that doesn't support drives larger than 2 TB or possibly from some incompatibilities.

I did get it working with the Syba USB dock ( with Maximum Capacity (per Bay) of 3TB. I'm not sure if I'll stick with this dock, but it is working.

audio - Why can't I use my internal microphone at the same time as my headphones?

I have a Samsung Series 7 NP700-Z5A, which has a dual-purpose mic/headphone jack.

In both Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 7, whenever I plug in my headphones the internal mic goes completely dead. When the headphones aren't plugged in, the microphone is fine.

The hardware is Realtek HD audio and the driver version (on Windows, at least).

I have an inkling that it thinks my headphones are a microphone, but there seems to be no option (in either OS) to adjust this.

Why can't I use my laptop's internal microphone while my headphones are plugged in?

When I reboot going from Linux to Windows, the USB keyboard and mouse don't work

When I'm on Linux and I reboot the machine and choose to boot on Windows 7, the keyboard and mouse are turned off, like they aren't receiving power. After another reboot they work fine (unplugging and plugging doesn't work, reboot is the only way), but it's pretty annoying and it's also not good for the machine.

The reboot can be done once Windows started, but I have to use the machine's reset button, ctrl alt delete obviously doesn't work. It can, however, be done with ctrl alt delete during the BIOS phase.

This doesn't happen when going from Windows to Windows, or Windows to Linux.

What can be causing this? What can I do to fix it?



Try installing USB drivers appropriate for your motherboard.

Long version:

I had a very similar problem. For me, any time I booted into Linux, my USB devices wouldn't work in Windows. For me, rebooting did not fix usb. Maybe this will help you.

I was using the generic Windows 7 drivers for USB, and I found a similar question on a different site:

For me, going to my motherboard manufacturer's website and installing the USB 3 drivers worked. So, perhaps you could fix the problem by going to your motherboard/laptop manufacturer's site and installing some USB drivers specific to your computer.

windows 7 - Enable ReadyBoost on a second internal HDD?

I have two SATA HDDs in my desktop PC (one for daily activity, one for storage and backup). I can finely use ReadyBoost with pendrives, but I wonder, Is there a way I could use my underutilized second HDD to participate in the cacheing mechanism (same concept as having two CPU cores crunch things in parallel: have two HDDs fetch data in parallel)? Clearly speaking: I want to enable ReadyBoost on my separate D: drive.


ReadyBoost is designed to take advantage of the almost non-existant latency of most flash drives to get small amounts of data into memory quickly. A modern hard drive will still easily out transfer most usb flash drives (50-100MB/s vs. 10-20MB/s) after just a few hundred milliseconds on average.

There really isn't a good way to enable your suggested scenario, or a performance reason to consider it. You would be better off using your second hard drive in a RAID1 configuration (some controllers support parallel reading), or possibly offloading programs/data that won't have to contend for I/O with the boot drive. You would be amazed at the near constant amount of small I/O that happens on the boot drive.

windows - Core i5 Processor running too fast?

I have an Intel core i5-4670 on a z87-plus motherboard from asus on Windows 8.1.

I am experiencing random blue screens, often after startup. What worries me is that my Intel core seems to be running at 4000 MHz: CPU-Z. It is supposed to have 3.4 GHz and I can't remember to have changed any settings.

Should I believe the numbers and what should I do?

EDIT: Apparently the AI suite was messing with my UEFI settings. I have uninstalled most of the AI suite and have reset to default in the UEFI. In these default settings, the Intel turbo is at 3900 iirc. According to CPU-Z, the cores are now running at 3600 to 3800. Still a little much for browsing only??


It looks like a combination of Asus Autotuning plus Intel Turbo Boost.

Turbo boost will cause three of your cores to sleep, but boost the clock speed of the remaining core. In some cases, this is more power efficient than having multiple cores running.

The i5-4670K gets 4 boost "steps" in 1 core mode. With a 3.4MHz at normal:

3.4 + (100MHz * 4) = 3.8GHz

conversion - Free software for viewing/converting AVCHD

I have a Canon HD camcorder that records in the AVCHD format, and I'm looking for some free software that can convert it to other formats. Right now, the only program I know of that can do any kind of conversion with it is Avidemux, but it doesn't do it very well. VLC is supposed to be able to play it, but the playback is too choppy to be useful.

I have Windows, although Linux software would be okay.

EDIT: I probably should also mention that it's full HD, 1080p, 60i frame rate.


HandBrake will convert AVCHD Lite (720p) format to AVI, MP4, MKV and OGM

as for playback, use ffdshow or even better, CoreAVC (not free though).

the nororious AVS Video Converter also claims to to be able to convert AVCHD into a number of different formats. (mov/mpg/avi/mp4/flv/3gp/rm), but i will not provide a link and you gotta be out of your mind if you even think of installing anything AVS! :)

Can I install the free Windows 7/8 -> 10 upgrade on a new empty drive?

With the new Windows 10 coming out soon as a free upgrade, I'd like to know if and how I can install the upgrade on a new HDD. I assume the files needed for Windows 10 are only for upgrading an installed copy of Windows 7 or 8 and not a standalone installer to use on an empty hard drive. Or is this assumption wrong?

I have some issues booting (an older non-working version appears in the list of OS's to choose from) and I'd like to replace my current SSD, which is too small, with a new larger capacity one, while keeping my other drives intact. The old SSD will then be removed.

If more information is needed, please let me know.


With the new Windows 10 coming out soon as a free upgrade, I'd like to know if and how I can install the upgrade on a new HDD. I assume the files needed for Windows 10 are only for upgrading an installed copy of Windows 7 or 8 and not a standalone installer to use on an empty disc. Or is this assumption wrong?

You will be able to do this provided on the machine the new HDD will be installed in, upgrade an existing installation of either Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, from there you can perform a clean installation if you want.

Microsoft has released installation media for Windows 10 (Version 1507) and Windows 10 (Version 1511), once you have accepted the free upgrade, you will be able to install Windows 10 from that installation media straight to a new HDD if you want.

I strongly advise you to solve your existing problem before you accept the upgrade.

Source Material

Can I perform a clean install using the Free upgrade?

No, it will require that you are running a previous qualifying version and start the upgrade from within the qualifying version. You can initiate a clean install after completing the Upgrade.

Please be aware that you cannot use the free upgrade offer to perform a clean install on first attempt. You must first upgrade from the qualifying version of Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 (whether you do it through Windows Update or using the .ISO file). Ensure the upgrade is completed successfully and then ensure that it is activated.

You can then proceed to do a clean install by using recovery media or using the Reset function in Start > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Reset this PC (Get Started).

I have multiple computers, do I have to download Windows 10 on each computer?

You can download a .ISO file and upgrade each computer offline. The ISO should be available by the time Windows 10 launches.**


Download Windows 10

Version 1511

As of Windows 10 Version 1511 (Build 10586) released on November 9, 2015 you can now use previous eligible versions of Windows to install and activate Windows 10. You are still limited by the July 29th 2016 for the purposes of activation. Once Windows 10 is activated on a system it no longer requires a license key when installed, and will automatically activate, through digital entitlement. Retail copies however, of Windows 10, still require a license key at installation time.

Windows 10 Tech Bench

enter image description here

Windows 10 ISO Downloads

Additional Reading

  1. How to: upgrade from previous versions of Windows using Windows 10 ISO file

  2. Installing Windows 10 using the media creation tool

  3. Where can I download Windows 7 (legally from Microsoft)?

windows - How to open Command Prompt in a specific folder as Administrator?

I made a shortcut to cmd.exe and specified the folder that I want to start in. I then went to Advanced and ticked Run as administrator.

When I double-click on the shortcut, it always starts in C:\Windows\System32.

What I am missing? How can I get the command line to start in the folder specified?

shortcut properties

the prompt, in System32


In the target you should specify cmd /k cd c:\crp

Running linux kernel 0.01 in a virtual machine

I'm just trying to know if is there is a way to run the first version of linux in a virtual machine. Since I am very new to this, my aim is to learn something basic on how the first version of linux kernel was built and worked.

Is there any way I can do this? or it can't be done

How to re-arrange Excel database from 1 long row, into 3 short rows of unequal lengths and automatically repeat the process?

This question is an extension/continuation of my previous question at How to re-arrange Excel database from 1 long row, into 3 short rows and automatically repeat the process? which was answered by Jason Lewis of which I'm grateful. But being a dummy in "Indirect' Excel function, I need assistance again :

For example :- In Sheet A, Row 1 has the following data in each cell (all together 72 cells occupied):

A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1 I1 J1 K1 L1 M1 N1 O1 P1 Q1 R1 S1 T1 U1 V1 W1 X1 Y1 Z1 AA1 AB1 AC1 AD1 AE1 AF1 AG1 AH1 AI1 AJ1 AK1 AL1 AM1 AN1 AO1 AP1 AQ1 AR1 AS1 AT1 AU1 AV1 AW1 AX1 AY1 AZ1 BA1 BB1 BC1 BD1 BE1 BF1 BG1 BH1 BI1 BJ1 BK1 BL1 BM1 BN1 BO1 BP1 BQ1 BR1 BS1 BT1

To be re-arranged into Sheet B in the following format:

Row 1 : A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1 I1 J1 K1 L1 M1 N1 O1 P1 Q1 R1 S1 T1 U1 V1 W1 X1 Y1 Z1 AA1 AB1 AC1 AD1 AE1 AF1 AG1 AH1 AI1

Row 2 : AJ1 AK1 AL1 AM1 AN1 AO1 AP1 AQ1 AR1 AS1 AT1 AU1 AV1 AW1 AX1 AY1 AZ1 BA1 BB1 BC1 BD1 BE1 BF1 BG1 BH1 BI1 BJ1 BK1

Row 3 : BL1 BM1 BN1 BO1 BP1 BQ1 BR1 BS1 BT1

The Sheet A (database sheet) has a lot of rows (example 3,000 rows, each rows has 72 cells occupied with data), hence the Sheet B (reformatted database) is estimated to have 9,000 rows (i.e. 3 x 3,000) of unequal lengths.

Thanking you in anticipation of your speedy response.

windows 7 - How do I combine multiple java buttons into a pile on the taskbar?

Does any one know how to have open java windows stack in the windows taskbar?

I'm running a few (20) java apps and they don't combine therefore taking up loads of room on my task bar.

Taskbar properties for "Taskbar buttons" is set to "Always combine, hide labels", and I've tried messing with it, then messing with it again just in case.

I'm running them via a batch script, and they all have different titles (presumably the issue) but are all java.exes (I have tried running them with the same title but no luck).

e.g. start /MIN %NAME% "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Xmx512m -Djava.library.path=./win32 -jar %NAME%.jar

I'm sure I've got this to work before but I had an explorer crash recently and I'm blaming that for this behaviour.


Remove the isHostApp registry setting from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\java.exe

Obviously be very careful with registry settings. Presumably this was reinstated following a Java install and only picked up after an Explorer restart.

All credit to this post:

hard drive - Windows 8 install problems on a desktop PC

I'm trying to install Windows 8 on a brand new drive and have encountered a few problems.

My error message (as shown in the photo) is: "We couldn't install windows in the location you chose. Please check your media drive. Here's more info about what happened 0x8007045d".

enter image description here

I have two other similar posts - I figured it may be less daunting to tackle if I split the large problem into individual units.

external display - Start Macbook with lid closed

I want to use my Macbook (early 2010) lid-closed with external monitor, keyboard and mouse. Is it possible to start it lid closed? For example to use it in a Henge Docks station?


If your Mac has been shut down:

You will need to use the power button to start it if it's been shut down completely. Only older Macs like the G3s had a power button on their keyboards, but this was removed – possibly because such a thing was never intended use for USB.

If your Mac was put to sleep:

To wake up a MacBook from sleep and run it in closed clamshell mode, all you need is to press a button on a connected keyboard or mouse to wake it up again.* Obviously, this works immediately (and without setup) for wired devices. For wireless keyboards and mice, you will need to pair them before you put the MacBook to sleep.

Given that you somehow need to control the machine, it's very likely that this will suffice in your case. Additionally, simply connecting a USB device will also do the same – at least in most cases.

* In OS X Lion, even closing the lid is enough, but in your case – with a docking station – you can't attach the external display before you close the lid, so this is not possible here.

windows 7 - Block a registry key to prevent rewriting or deleting accidentally or intentionally using the command line

I see the post in superuser and I have a similar case, but with a small difference.

I created a reg key.

"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\wscript.exe"

And the content target: /windows/system32/wscript.exe

And I need to block this key permanently (or any other key that I want to create), to prevent accidental or intentional deletion or modification of any malware


What command line can help me to do this? (cmd or powershell or both)


I need to block this key to prevent deletion or modification by malware.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\wscript.exe

What command line can help me to do this?

As per the answers in the link in your question, the easiest way to do this is to remove the Edit permissions from SYSTEM and the Administrators groups and the key should then effectively be read only.

You can do this from the command line with regini by following the procedure below.


  • I would be very tempted to back up your whole system before making such changes (you may feel comfortable just backing up the registry - see below).

  • The instructions below contain steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly.

  • For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs.

  • For more information see How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

  1. Create a file (for example block.txt) with the following contents:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\wscript.exe [2 19]

  2. Execute the block.txt script using the following command, run from an elevated (Administrator) cmd shell:

    regini block.txt


  • The regini command must be run from an elevated (Administrator) cmd shell, otherwise it will fail (an no error will be displayed).

  • The permission entry is set to [2 19] which is Administrators Read Access and SYSTEM Read Access.

  • You need to think carefully whether other user groups also require read access.

    Using a permission entry of [2 8 19] will in addition also allow standard users (and administrator accounts with filtered user token) read access for the key.

  • You may need to change the permissions of the parent key to prevent sub-keys being deleted (I haven't verified this).

Further Reading

How to change some of the numbers in word to be arabic numbers within Word

I have a Word document.

It has two parts: one English and one Arabic.

The problem is that all the numbers are English numbers [0123456789], but I want the Arabic part's numbers to be Arabic numbers [٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩].

How can I do that in Word 2007 or 2010?

Since I didn't receive any response I created a program that converts English numbers to Arabic and then I use it to convert the numbers in the document. I am still wondering if there is a easier way to do it?


In Word 2010:

Go to File > Options > Advanced.

Scroll down to the Show document content section - you will find the Numeral option. Set it to Context.


Sunday 24 February 2019

After a clean installation of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update - 32 bits, only boots in EFI Shell, cannot boot automatically

I have a Tablet with Intel Atom 32 bits processor. The eMMC is only 16GB and was almost full. On Windows Creators Update I put Windows installation on the 4GB pen drive and booted with it and formattted, and installed Windows. All OK. On BIOS it appeared as Windows Boot Manager.

Now with Fall Creators Update, the Media Creation Tool refuses my 4GB PenDrive, requires a 8GB PenDrive. I did the writing using Rufus, but now after installed, when boot, the tablet only goes to UEFI Shell. On BIOS it appears UEFI OS. When I select it, it returns to the BIOS screen. On BIOS it does appear the Windows Boot Manager option. When the installation pendrive is plugged, appears UEFI OS (SanDisk Cruzer Blade 2.01), if I remove the pendrive and reboot, then appears UEFI OS. No Windows Boot Manager.

If I enter UEFI Shell, and type

cd \EFI\Boot\

Then the Windows starts, manually.

How to solve this? Is it some bug in this 32 bit version of Windows 10 FCU?

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

How to force Windows to save desktop icon positions?

Is there a way to force Windows to save desktop icon positions?


You can simply right-click the Desktop & click Refresh. This saves the icon positions (at least it does on XP, also confirmed on Windows 7).

Here's a simple way to confirm that this method works:

  • Move an icon

  • Kill explorer.exe (& restart it, if it doesn't auto-restart)

  • Notice icon moves back (because it wasn't saved)

  • Move icon again

  • Right-click on the Desktop -> click Refresh

  • Kill explorer.exe (& restart)

  • Notice icon doesn't move back (since this time it was saved before killing explorer)

hibernate - What are hiberfil.sys and pagefile.sys files, and can I safely delete them?

I noticed two big (~ 2GB) files (hiberfil.sys and pagefile.sys) at the root of my C: drive and wondered what they were. I searched on google and found some interesting links, but did not find any answer on this site. I guess it would be good to have this question answered here for future reference.

Here are my questions:

  • What is the file hiberfil.sys for?

  • What is the file pagefile.sys for?

  • Can I safely delete these files?


hiberfil.sys: is a file used by Windows when you choose to 'Hibernate' the system. Take a look at this site on how to delete it, if you won't use the Hibernate option. In short, you run powercfg -h off in a command terminal with administrator privileges. The file should then be automatically deleted, and the Windows hibernation feature disabled.

pagefile.sys: is the file used by Windows to be your Page File, or your virtual memory swap. If you have 1 GB of RAM and want to use 2 GB as your memory, Windows will create a 1 GB virtual memory in your HD and use it as needed. See this site on how to delete it.

Can you delete them? Yes, but not by simply going to the Windows Explorer and removing them. Take a look at the provided links, or do some research about your Windows version, to know how to delete them.

Notice that simply deleting them is not enough: you'll have to disable the hibernate option and the virtual memory use of your Windows.

linux - Forgotten LUKS passphrase

i am stuck with a big problem.

I have encrypted my linux drive with LUKS and now I can't remember it. During boot, it prompts me for the passphrase, but I went into troubleshooting mode and deleted the entry from /etc/crypttab so at least I can boot now into my account but that doesn't solve the problem. I can't access my drive /dev/sda5.

Can someone please show me a way to crack the passphrase or is there no way around it.


There is no way around it. That the whole point of encryption in the first place.

You will have to erase the partition and start over, all data is lost.

Can't install drivers for Windows XP. Program too big to fit in memory

SOLUTION: Download the driver on other computer. Rename it from .EXE to .zip extension. Copy over the driver via USB to the Dell. Run the setup.exe inside the archive.

Installed fresh Windows XP on Dell workstation. Downloaded drivers for a specific service tag using another computer onto a USB. Plug the USB into the Dell and can't execute any of the drivers. When I click on the drivers a cmd window blinks really fast but nothing happens.

What is the problem? I downloaded drivers for appropriate Windows version for the Dell computer. There was only one option for drivers filtering: "Windows XP"

What driver executables look like on Dell:

enter image description here

EDIT: Copying the driver executables off USB to the computer didn't fix the problem.

EDIT2: The downloaded drivers are NOT corrupted. They execute on the other machine. I ran the driver on Dell via cmd and got the following message: "Program is too big to fit in memory"

Windows Media Center command line options?

Is there a command line interface to Windows Media Center in Windows 7. I have an SSH daemon installed on my media center box and would love to be able log in via SSH and get the list of upcoming recordings. As it is, I need to use Remote Desktop and then tell Media Center to run in GDI mode to display the upcoming recordings which is slow and cumbersome.

Here are interesting commands that I'm wondering about:

  • List upcoming recordings

  • List most recent recordings

  • Status of scheduler

I'd rather not have to install Remote Potato to accomplish this.

How can I VLOOKUP in multiple Excel documents?

I am trying to VLOOKUP reference data with around 400 seperate Excel files. Is it possible to do this in a quick way rather than doing it m...