Thursday 14 November 2019

macos - What is mac process "Wi-Fi"

I am running Mac OS X Yosemite. Today I ran across a process named "Wi-Fi" in Activity Monitor.

enter image description here

The name catches my attention so I google around, but found little info about what the process does.

Even more weird, the corresponding app of the process seems to have TWO names:


In Finder, it shows a different name enter image description here

So what is this process? Is it legit?

Answer is part of OS X and is the agent responsible for all things Wi-Fi in the GUI.

This includes everything from managing the menu bar item to showing dialogs for entering the wireless key of the network. The agent runs in the background on all Macs with a wireless service.

Here's a converted version of the Localizable.strings which shows some of the features of the agent through the messages that can be localised.

The reason why is shown in Finder as "" is because of CFBundleDisplayName:

{   CFBundleDisplayName = "Wi-Fi";
CFBundleName = "WiFiAgent";


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