Friday 22 November 2019

windows 7 - Resizing Bootcamp Partition Without Wiping

I done goofed and made my Win7 bootcamp partition just a little too small (about 850mb left after installing critical software). So, I kinda really want to get a little bit more space. However, after the massive pain in the bum that was installing all of the software I needed, I'd really like to avoid reinstalling it all.

I've looked up a few solutions online, and it seems the general consensus is to use WinClone (no longer free) to backup and restore.

However, this page seems to suggest that I can do this with native tools safely. Further research has turned up mixed results. (Using native tools would be my preference)

Is there a way to do this? Or have I pretty much forced myself to give into some third-party software/mass-reinstall?


So, I would just suggest that anyone who wants to do this just purchase a software like WinClone or CampTune. I tried to do this on my own, messed up my partition tables, and just finished completely wiping my Mac (granted, luckily I don't save much work locally, so I'm just installing apps).

Here is a link to some guides. I would just use those.

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