Saturday, 10 August 2019

windows vista - How can I install updates and shut down from the command line?

I know that there is a simple way to shutdown the computer in command prompt, but is it possible to do system updates and then shutdown the computer in command prompt?

For example, when Vista needs to install updates, it will let me install them and shut down by clicking the Shut Down button (while relegating the normal shut down button into the menu). So is there a command to do this in command prompt?


There is no inbuilt command-line way to force install of waiting updates before shutdown/reboot (I've heard rumor that it's in Windows 8, but haven't checked).

You're best bet is to create a script (VBS, PowerScript, or alike) which will perform the updates and then shut the system down.

For example:

' NAME : 

'Shutdown flags;
const nLog_Off = 0
const nForced_Log_Off = 4 '( 0 + 4 )
const nShutdown = 1
const nForced_Shutdown = 5 '( 1 + 4 )
const nReboot = 2
const nForced_Reboot = 6 '( 2 + 4 )
const nPower_Off = 8
const nForced_Power_Off = 12 '( 8 + 4 )

ShutdownOption = nForced_Reboot

'Monthly log;
dt = date() : nMonth = Year(dt)*1e2 + Month(dt)
sLogFile = "C:\WUSforceupdate-" & nMonth & ".log"

Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
Set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateupdateSearcher()

Set searchResult = _
updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'")

Set File = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set LogFile = File.OpenTextFile(sLogFile, 8, True)

LogFile.WriteLine( "START TIME : " & now)
LogFile.WriteLine( "Searching for updates..." & vbCRLF)
LogFile.WriteLine( "List of applicable items on the machine:")

For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
LogFile.WriteLine( I + 1 & "> " & update.Title)

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

If searchResult.Updates.Count = 0 Then
LogFile.WriteLine( "There are no applicable updates.")
WshShell.popup "There are no applicable updates.",1
ShutDown(ShutdownOption) '<-- O P T I O N A L
End If

LogFile.WriteLine( vbCRLF & "Creating collection of updates to download:")

Set updatesToDownload = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")

For I = 0 to searchResult.Updates.Count-1
Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
LogFile.WriteLine( I + 1 & "> adding: " & update.Title )

LogFile.WriteLine( vbCRLF & "Downloading updates...")

Set downloader = updateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
downloader.Updates = updatesToDownload

LogFile.WriteLine( vbCRLF & "List of downloaded updates:")

For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
If update.IsDownloaded Then
LogFile.WriteLine( I + 1 & "> " & update.Title )
End If

Set updatesToInstall = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")

LogFile.WriteLine( vbCRLF & _
"Creating collection of downloaded updates to install:" )

For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
If update.IsDownloaded = true Then
'WshShell.popup "installing..." & vbNewLine & update.Title,1
LogFile.WriteLine( I + 1 & "> adding: " & update.Title )
End If

logFile.WriteLine( "Installing updates...")
Set installer = updateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
installer.Updates = updatesToInstall
Set installationResult = installer.Install()

'Output results of install
LogFile.WriteLine( "Installation Result: " & installationResult.ResultCode )
LogFile.WriteLine( "Reboot Required: " & installationResult.RebootRequired & vbCRLF )

LogFile.WriteLine( "Listing of updates installed " _
& "and individual installation results:" )

For I = 0 to updatesToInstall.Count - 1
LogFile.WriteLine( I + 1 & "> " & updatesToInstall.Item(i).Title _
& ": " & installationResult.GetUpdateResult(i).ResultCode )

If installationResult.RebootRequired = -1 then
LogFile.WriteLine( "RebootRequired")
' <-- normally now you should call for a R E B O O T.....
End if

ShutDown(ShutdownOption) '<-- O P T I O N A L

LogFile.WriteLine( "STOP TIME : " & now)

wscript.echo "Updates are installed"

Function ShutDown(sFlag)
wscript.sleep 600
Set OScoll = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:{(Shutdown)}").ExecQuery( _
"Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each osObj in OScoll
End Function

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