Saturday, 10 August 2019

What is the style used for visited hyperlink in MS Word?

I can change the color of hyperlink in my files by updating the "Hyperlink" style but when it is a visited hyperlink, it turns purple and underlined. I wanna change this but cannot find the Visited Hyperlink style or something similar.


The color of visited hyperlinks is determined by the font color of the built-in style named “FollowedHyperlink”. To change the color, you need to modify that style. For Word 2007, 2010, and 2013, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. From the “Home” tab, click the small arrow icon in the lower-right corner of the “Styles” box. Alternately, you can use Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S.

  2. Select the “Options…” link in the lower-right corner.

  3. In the “Select styles to show:” dropdown menu, select “All styles“. You will now have an option for “FollowedHyperlink” in the “Styles” list.

  4. In the “Styles” menu, hover your mouse pointer over “FollowedHyperlink”, and then click the triangle that appears to the right. From the drop-down menu that appears, select “Modify…“.

  5. In the “Formatting” section, choose the color you want to use, then click “OK“.

You have successfully changed the color of hyperlinks in your Word document.

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