Saturday, 24 August 2019

osx snow leopard - Unmount a volume as soon as its inserted if its name is "XYZ"

I have a USB modem which is mounted as say XYZ(which contains the Dialer Software and Readme) when its inserted. In order to connect using it, I have to eject it and then connect it using ppp dialer.

Let us say that it mounts under the name /Volumes/XYZ

I want to do something like if I insert a USB device and it mounts under the name XYZ, I want it to be ejected immediately.

How do I do that?


I did something similar once upon a time, where whenever a drive named a certain way was mounted, a script immediately fired off to sync the contents of a set of folders to the drive.

To do something similar here, the script would need to look like this:


if [ -d /Volumes/XYZ ];
echo “Ejecting XYZ!”;
umount /Volumes/XYZ

Save it somewhere, your ~/bin/ directory if you have one, or maybe ~/Library/Scripts/, just remember where.

The second piece of the puzzle is the LaunchAgent that will actually handle the event whenever a drive is mounted:






That needs to be saved as a .plist (named similar to the string used in place of “com.superuser.226504.example”) and saved to ~/Library/LaunchAgents. You can either load it from the terminal via launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/pathtoplist or log out / log back in and it should get loaded if everything is configured properly.

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