Tuesday, 31 December 2019

When I click on an Microsoft Excel .xls file, it says "There was a problem sending the command to the program"

Odd error: if I click on an Excel 2007 file to open it from within explorer, it says "There was a problem sending a command to the program". Excel opens - but it doesn't open the file. I have to then manually open the original file using Excel's "File..Open" dialogue.

All of my other Office 2007 apps work fine, including Word, etc.

Any ideas?


Fixed the problem by upgrading to Excel 2010. Initially I tried the 64-bit version, however, when none of my prior plugins loaded, I switched back to the 32-bit version which worked perfectly. Office 2010 is much nicer - it loads way faster.

linux - Communication between Docker containers on differents hosts in the same local network

I have two Docker containers running on two different hosts:

  • Computer A (PC, uses Ethernet), ip [ Docker container running inside on ], OS Windows 7

  • Computer B (laptop, uses WLAN), ip [ Docker container running inside on ], OS Linux Ubuntu

I would like to somehow connect them, so they could communicate with each other (e.g. via ssh).

I have tried to "link" my containers by running them with:

docker run --name master_node --rm -it branislava/ubuntu1504java8:v1

docker run --rm -it --link master_node:master_node1 --name slave_node branislava/ubuntu1504java8:v1

As suggested in comments. This is working; containers can communicate - but only when they are run on the same host machine.

How could this be accomplished for containers that are running on different machines in the same local network?


Following is the bash script for establishing communication between docker containers of the same image across different hosts in the same local network:

 # Firstly, we have to make a swarm
# We have to discover ip address of the swarm leader (i.e. manager, master node)
# My master computer has ip in the local network
sudo docker swarm init --advertise-addr
# Info about swarm
sudo docker info
# info about nodes (currently only one)
sudo docker node ls
# hostaname got it name automatically, by the host's name

# adding new nodes to the swarm
# ssh to the slave node (i.e. worker node) or type physically:
# this command was generated after
# sudo docker swarm init --advertise-addr
# on manager computer
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-55b12pdctfnvr1wd4idsuzwx34vcjwv9589azdgi0srgr3626q-01zjw639dyoy1ccgpiwcouqlk

# if one cannot remember or find this command
# should type again on the manager host
docker swarm join-token worker

# ssh to the manager or type in directly:
# (listing existing nodes in a swarm)
sudo docker node ls
# adding docker image as a process that will run in this containers
# ssh to the manager or type in directly:
# replicas will be the number of nodes
# manager is also a worker node
sudo docker service create --replicas 2 --name master_node image-name sleep infinity
# I have to enter inside of the containers and set up some things before
# running application, so I say `sleep infinity`
# Else, this is not necessary.

# what's up with the running process
sudo docker service inspect --pretty etdo0z8o8timbsdmn3qdv381i
# or
sudo docker service inspect master_node
# also, but only from manager
sudo docker service ps master_node
# see running containers (from worker or from manager)
sudo docker ps

# promote node from worker to manager
# `default` is the name of my worker node
sudo docker node promote default
# denote node from manager to worker
sudo docker node demote default

# entering container, if needed
# getting container id with `sudo docker ps`
sudo docker exec -it bb923e379cbd bash

# retrieving ip and port of the container
# I need this since my containers are communicating via ssh
sudo docker ps
sudo docker inspect --format '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' 5395cdd22c44

# removing processes from all nodes
sudo docker service rm master_node
# this command should say `no process`
sudo docker service inspect master_node

Hopefully, someone will find this helpful.

microsoft excel - Divide information

I have an Excel file with several rows (about 1k). Each row describe some action of one user and (my bad) for differents actions there are differents rows. Something like this

      action              user
=============== =====
r1 lore ipsum 1 user1
r2 lore ipsum 2 user1
r3 lore ipsum 3 user2
r4 lore ipsum 1 user2
r5 lore ipsum 2 user3
r6 lore ipsum 4 user1
r7 lore ipsum 5 user1

As you can see, I have multiple actions for user1. All I need is to put on a single row all the actions of user1 and on the other rows the other actions for the other users (in the same way as for user1) witohut duplicates on the "user" column. Something like this:

      action              user
=============== =====
r1 lore ipsum 1 user1
lore ipsum 2
lore ipsum 4
lore ipsum 5
r2 lore ipsum 3 user2
lore ipsum 1
r3 lore ipsum 2 user3

How can i do that? Thanks a lot


Here's a sample of how your data might be stored:


Select one of the cells of the table, just like the picture above. Then go to menu Insert > Pivot Tables. It will select all your data and prompt a Dialog like this:

new pivot table

I'm sorry! My Excel is in Portuguese, but I believe you can follow the pictures.

Click Ok. It will create a new Sheet, like this:

new sheet is now created

And a menu will be shown in the right:

pivot table fields

Drag and drop user, the drag and drop action, to the Row Label, in the left-bottom box.

Row Label

The result will look like:

Final result

See if this is satisfactory for you, or if you want something else. We can work on something at this point, but maybe this is what will need, I don't know.

Sorry the delay to answer, I'm in job time ;)

linux - I broke my MBR/Windows doesnt let me reformat!

I was trying to solve this and i used partimage to restore the MBR from a file. It completely wrecked my partitions. I now have 3, a 100mb, a large one and a 9mb. Windows XP complained and Windows 7 got an error trying to format on the middle drive. I then tried to install on the middle drive and it didnt allow me.

I cant install an os! how do i fix this?!


I tried

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot


bootsect nt60 ALL /force

no luck, i still cant repartition it.


Windows must be installed on the first partition on the drive. It sounds like you have a few little partitions before it. Windows 7 and vista creates a little partition for its own use right before the primary partition where windows is installed. Either way... when you install windows... it needs the first part of the drive in order to work properly.

There are probably two little partitions now because windows 7 had one from the initial install. Now that you tried re-installing on the middle partition, it created another little partition right before it during the install process. Thus you have two little partitions.

If you want to reformat... delete the two little partitions and merge the space with the main partition (or just delete all partitions) and then install.

hard drive - How to prevent a secondary HDD from spinning down?

First off I did try the power options setting and it's on 'Never' but that did nothing. The drive still spins down after 15-20 seconds of not being used. I need it to spin all the time because it's more efficient with my way of using it. Also listening to music from that drive is absolutely destroying the drive making it spin up and down all the time causing immense wear and tear. Any ideas on how to stop it from spinning down? Please don't suggest bat files that keep creating editing a file.  

Oh and here is the model of the drive: wdc wd10jpvx-22jc3t0 and my OS is Windows 10 64 bit.

autocomplete - In Firefox how do I disable "switch to tab" in URL bar?

In Firefox 4, the URL bar autocomplete pop-down now has an entry called "Switch to Tab", for URLs which are already open in other tabs.

I never want this, and always end up hitting it by mistake. Is there a way to disable it?

Most new features of FF seem to have a switch in about:config to turn them off, but I didn't see anything obvious for this.

backup - Overwrite your Windows folder with a backed up copy

Currently attempting to restore a backup. I'm left wondering whether HP intends for me to just overwrite my whole C: drive with the contents from the backup. Overwriting the Users folder, Application Data and Program Files won't be a problem. What I don't know is what to do with my Windows folder. That prolly contains all my Windows Updates, drivers and stuff necessary for the apps in my Program Files to work. I don't know the details and instinct tells me that this is stupid but I'd like to know the implications of doing so anyway.


Just retrieve the files from your documents folder - leave everything else alone. You will have to re-run the updates and re-install applications.

Just replacing those folders with the backup wouldn't getting you up and running again... it would break the install.

The OS files are protected anyway, you would have to boot into a Windows PE disc of some sort or a life Linux disc...

Change website colors in Firefox

I'm using Firefox to read sites that contain a lot of black text on white background (much like this one). What is the simplest way to give Firefox the option to switch the font and background color of a site so that it ends up as white text on a black background?


Select Tools > Options > Content

Then the "Colours" button.

Select white for the "Text" colour and black for the "Background", not forgetting to clear the "Allow pages to choose their own colours, instead of my selections above" option.

alt text

You might need to make sure that the "Use system colours" option is cleared as well.

windows 7 - Can I "hibernate" a program?

Yes, I know that hibernate usually applies to a computer. (Hibernate her meaning saving program memory in disk and being able to restore it in a consistent manner.)

However, hibernating a program can be very useful. Suppose I want to play a game, but a few programs like firefox, acrobat take up 500M of memory, so I want to free it up. Closing and then starting can be time-consuming, especially if session data cannot be stored. So instead I go and hibernate them. So is there any way I can hibernate a program?


There's a related question about this over at StackOverflow. It's more programming related, but the main accepted answer explains why what you're trying to do is hard, and offers a viable alternative.

Basically, run your 'business' apps in a VM, and pause/hibernate/close it when you want to game.

Preview photos in Windows 10

So in windows 7, you could see the photo thumbnails before you clicked on a photo to open it. Now, in windows 10, all you get is this:

enter image description here

So in order for me to find a picture, I have to double click it and hope to find it. Is there a way to enable a preview of some sort so I can quickly find what I need?(Just like on windows 7 where it showed the picture)

Not able to partition C: Drive as per needs in Windows 7

I am trying to partition my c drive into 2 drives. My c drive has 412 GB free of 450 GB. I wish to participate as 30 GB: 382 GB. But when i try to shrink volume (by going through My Computer --> Manage --> Disk Management) i see that i can shrink around 200 GB. I believe that we cannot shrink upto certain volume due to unmovable files located.

Hence i tried to defrag the c drive using Windows defrag + http://www.piriform.com/defraggler.

Step 2: I then tried clearing restore files & also disabled hibernation. After doing second step, now it is showing that 0 GB is available for shrinking (= shrinking not possible).

What should i do that could make me happy? I know it is possible but do not remember the steps.


Windows' own disk management utility is really weird sometimes, I can relate.

Easeus offers a free partitioning tool here. I can really recommend it.

Still, use it at your own risk and always look again and again before applying a change, so you understand what you are doing right now.

I would also NOT recommend you to resize it to 30 gb. Make it 60 or even 80. I have filled 60 gigabytes and the Windows folder alone had like 25 GB!

macos - Global keyboard shortcut to open a tab in Chrome on Mac OS X

What is the best way to configure a global keyboard shortcut to open a tab in Chrome on Mac OS X?


  • It should be as simple as possible, so I don't want to + every time.

  • This must be global, so if I press my shortcut (which happens to be ) while I'm in Mail.app, it needs to bring Chrome to the front and open a new tab

  • It needs to open the new tab page, i.e. chrome://newtab, not a website like http://www.google.com

  • The highest priority is that it opens fast fast fast, the next priority is ease of configuration

Current Solution

Right now I've got Quicksilver.app configured to execute the following AppleScript (or osascript to be precise) whenever I press :


tell application "Google Chrome Canary"
end tell

tell application "System Events"
tell process "Google Chrome Canary"
tell menu bar 1
tell menu bar item "File"
tell menu "File"
click menu item "New Tab"
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell

The problem with this is that it can take up to 5 seconds if it has been a while since I ran it last. I had complied this into a *.app, but that was slower than making it an executable osascript. I'm not afraid to try developing a compiled version of the above script, but I'm a UNIX/web developer, not OS X, and I'm not familiar with the system.


You can run the following Terminal command (e.g. in a bash script):

open -a "Google Chrome" chrome://newtab

This will cause the application Google Chrome to open the URL chrome://newtab, thereby opening a new tab.

Unfortunately, Google Chrome doesn't register the chrome:// URL type with Launch Services, and it will think that's a file path.

To fix this, right-click Google Chrome's application bundle, select Show Package Contents, open the Contents directory and edit Info.plist in a text editor.

Search for CFBundleURLTypes. Edit the following few lines to add the lines indicated by a +:


+ CFBundleURLName
+ Chrome Internal URLs
+ CFBundleURLSchemes
+ chrome


Web site URL

Save and close. Move Google Chrome's application bundle to a different directory, and back again, to make Launch Services pick up the change (if it doesn't work, log out and back in).

Then, run open like described at the beginning.

Once this works, your best option is to run a shell script that performs the open command, which in turn is invoked e.g. by your launcher. Since I believe the delay is caused by osascript loading, pretty much any solution you choose here should be fast enough.

To semi-automate the editing of the Info.plist file (you have to repeat this for all Chrome updates), you can use PlistBuddy in Terminal. First, create a file e.g. named chrome-url.plist with the following content:

Chrome Internal URLs


Then, you can use the following to patch Chrome's Info.plist:

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Merge '/path/to/chrome-url.plist' :CFBundleURLTypes" /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/Info.plist

linux - How to mount a compressed ISO image?

I have problem to mount a compressed (ISZ) image under Linux, which was created by e.g. UltraISO? I am aware about user-space fuseiso, but it fails to mount these images, as I have reported in Debian bugtracker (correct me if I ddi something wrong). I ask the community for a help: I need a proved solution to mount these images without decompressing them.

I believe that CONFIG_ZISOFS kernel option cannot help, as it refers a special RockRidge extension (per-file compression with mkisofs -z or mkzftree).

virtual machine - How to adjust screen size for VirtualBox VMs?

I'm trying to use FreeBSD on VirtualBox, and everything seems to be working fine.

However, I'm quite annoyed by the default size of VB VM screens.

The BSD console just has a very low resolution and dimensions, and I want to know a way to enlarge it.

(Even if I change the size of the containing window, or fullscreen the VM, the screen always keeps its dimensions...)

libraries - Using MicroSD cards with Metro Apps on the Surface RT

You can add a MicroSD card to the Surface RT (required since in the 32 GB version the OS itself takes up 12 GB or so), but inexplicably you cannot add your data/media stored on the card to a Library. This makes it impossible to access the data from most Metro apps (especially the default ones from Microsoft) that access the Library locations by default:


Great job there, Microsoft! 2 So, how do we solve this vexing issue?


  1. Ideally you should organise your data on the card, such as for example having dedicated folders for Music, Videos etc.

  2. Create a folder named C:\SD (or whatever you prefer)

  3. Open Disk Management from the Win+X menu (also accessible by right-clicking at the bottom left corner of the screen)

  4. Right-click the card's data partition and select Change Drive Letter and Paths

  5. Click Add, then Browse in the Add Drive Letter or Path window that pops up:

  6. Select the folder you created in step #2 above

  7. You will see the folder listed as an alternative path to access the card's contents:


    You can verify by opening Windows Explorer and navigating to the folder. It will display the exact same files as are on your card.

  8. Now you can go to the Music or Videos etc. Libraries and add C:\SD\Music or C:\SD\Videos etc. as the case may be to them

  9. The Library locations should now be visible in the Music, Video and other apps as expected, although the data is still stored only on the card

Hat tip: Paul Thurrott, although he didn't come up with the junction point workaround

Monday, 30 December 2019

shell - What is the origin of the UNIX $ (dollar) prompt?

The UNIX prompt uses a $ symbol to indicate that your input is expected.

I was wondering why this symbol was chosen—if there is a reason. Dollar just seems a little unexpected. A > symbol would have been more suggestive in my opinion.


Let's explore a little:

  • Version 8 Unix is easy. There's still man pages available. Get to the sh man page and search for prompt. You'll get to a point where you read:

    PS1 Primary prompt string, by default “$ ”.

    PS2 Secondary prompt string, by default “> ”.

  • So let's see if that was the first. Version 7 Unix man pages are still available, and the sh man page gives the same description of prompts as Version 8.

  • What about version 6? Version 6 Unix wasn't hard to track. But its sh man page doesn't mention prompts at all. The “Getting started” guide comes in handy here; it mentions:

    The culmination of your login efforts is a percent sign “%”. The percent sign means that UNIX is ready to accept commands from the terminal.

Aha! So version 6 didn't have it. Version 7 was the first! Released in 1979.

Happy? Hate to rain on your parade, but don't be :)

Problem is that version 6 was one inspiring Unix. Look at the variants here. Can it be that the $ sign as a command prompt was not started in Version 7, but instead in one of these variants and then the idea incorporated into 7?

At this point I got tired of hunting for operating systems documentation from a time when I was 6. This at least narrows it down considerably. We know Version 7 was the first Bell Labs release to show the $ sign as a command prompt. All we need to be sure is that none of those Version 6 variants introduced it. It makes sense for this change to have appeared in Version 7 though since that’s the release which introduced the Bourne shell, replacing the Thompson shell used in previous versions of Unix (and the Massey shell used in Programmer's Workbench Unix).

One last thought though:
While the idea of $ being a hint to the word shell or script is appealing and makes all sense, don't expect this to ever be officially confirmed. Unix development was shared by a rather large group of people with much bigger concerns in life than keeping track of how a symbol evolved. And some of these extraordinary programmers are not even among us anymore.

Most probably, the best you can hope to get from the question "What is the origin of the UNIX $ (dollar) prompt?" is the name of the first Unix shell introducing it.

Can I do a "one-time" file content search in Windows Server 2008 without adding the folder to the index?

Can I search for files which contain a specific string in a folder if that folder is not in the search index?

So, lets say folder 'textFiles' is not in the index. I navigate to this folder in Windows Explorer. I type '.ini' in the search box I want to see a result list containing only 'b.txt'

FOLDER C:\textFiles\

FILE a.php
CONTENT once twice thrice mice moose monkey

FILE b.txt
CONTENT mingle muddle middle.ini banana beer

FILE c.spo
CONTENT sellotape stapler phone book

I do not have permission to add folders to the Windows index and I do not have permission to install or run any executables that did not ship with the server or approved applications.

I'd be happy with a Windows native command line solution if necessary.


You can do this with the command line tool findstr.exe provided by Microsoft.

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to c:\textfiles

  2. run command findstr /L /M /C:"ini" *.*

    note: you can add /S to search all subdirectories

Full details on FINDSTR

  FINDSTR [/B] [/E] [/L] [/R] [/S] [/I] [/X] [/V] [/N] [/M] [/O] [/P] [/F:file]
[/C:string] [/G:file] [/D:dir list] [/A:color attributes] [/OFF[LINE]]
strings [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]

/B Matches pattern if at the beginning of a line.
/E Matches pattern if at the end of a line.
/L Uses search strings literally.
/R Uses search strings as regular expressions.
/S Searches for matching files in the current directory and all
/I Specifies that the search is not to be case-sensitive.
/X Prints lines that match exactly.
/V Prints only lines that do not contain a match.
/N Prints the line number before each line that matches.
/M Prints only the filename if a file contains a match.
/O Prints character offset before each matching line.
/P Skip files with non-printable characters.
/OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
/A:attr Specifies color attribute with two hex digits. See "color /?"
/F:file Reads file list from the specified file(/ stands for console).
/C:string Uses specified string as a literal search string.
/G:file Gets search strings from the specified file(/ stands for console).
/D:dir Search a semicolon delimited list of directories
strings Text to be searched for.
Specifies a file or files to search.

Use spaces to separate multiple search strings unless the argument is prefixed
with /C. For example, 'FINDSTR "hello there" x.y' searches for "hello" or
"there" in file x.y. 'FINDSTR /C:"hello there" x.y' searches for
"hello there" in file x.y.

Regular expression quick reference:
. Wildcard: any character
* Repeat: zero or more occurrences of previous character or class
^ Line position: beginning of line
$ Line position: end of line
[class] Character class: any one character in set
[^class] Inverse class: any one character not in set
[x-y] Range: any characters within the specified range
\x Escape: literal use of metacharacter x
\ xyz\> Word position: end of word

For full information on FINDSTR regular expressions refer to the online Command

windows - How can I determine the sector size on an external hard drive?

Hard drives are transitioning from 512 byte to 4096 byte sector sizes, and it looks like Windows XP won't support these newer drives without additional software (such as WDalign from Western Digital)

My question is: how does this affect external hard drives? I'll be buying a 1TB USB external drive, and it'll be plugged into a mix of Windows 7 and XP machines. Is there an easy way to tell what the sector size on an external hard drive is?


Run wmic partition get BlockSize, StartingOffset, Name, Index from a Windows Command Prompt. The output looks like:

BlockSize  Index  Name                   StartingOffset
512 0 Disk #0, Partition #0 1048576
512 1 Disk #0, Partition #1 105906176
512 0 Disk #1, Partition #0 32256

Where block size is the drive's sector size. It unfortunately doesn't list the drive letter.

Also as I understand the article, the drive will still list that it has 512 byte sectors even though internally it uses 4kb sectors. So the only way may be to get the drive's spec sheet.

windows - Cannot uninstall Avast Free Antivirus

Why can't I uninstall Avast Free Antivirus? It always says "there is an error" that occurred and doesn't uninstall the product.


Did you exit the application first?

Try with Revo Uninstaller.

download - Is it possible for a BitTorrent client to give seeding preferences only to leechers who are also seeding?

I'm not very familiar with BitTorrent on a protocol/technological level.

Is it possible for clients to prefer seeding (give more bandwidth, or only connect at all) to leechers who are also seeding whatever parts they've downloaded? (For example, as a way of rewarding or providing to only those who're also sharing, not just leeching.) Or does the protocol make it impossible to know another user's (a leecher's) seeding activity.

I ask because sometimes it seems like I get far faster download rates when I remove my upload cap and seed liberally—is there an alternative explanation for phenomenon?—Am I imagining things?


Yes, in fact that is the default behavior most bittorrent clients. The term that is most often used for this behavior is "fairness", most clients don't let you turn it on and off.

Sunday, 29 December 2019

macos - Mac OS change command to control key

is there any way to change the use of command key to control, somewhat globally in the system? for example instead of cmd+S, to use ctrl+S, but everywhere in the system


You can switch the modifier key associations in System Preferences » Keyboard » Keyboard » Modifier Keys…:

enter image description here

compatibility - Music tagging software more consistent than Tag&Rename?

A few years ago I spent an insane amount of time using the excellent Tag&Rename program. However, I find that for random, inexplicable reasons, some music tools simply disregard my tags, drop or destroy the album art, or have strange handling around some characters. For example, "AC/DC" is poorly handled by most music players when I use Tag&Rename to write the tags. And if I write the tag in iTunes, Winamp seems to not like it, vice versa, and neither of those work with Amarok.

Is there a piece of software that works like Tag&Rename but is more compatible, or is there a way to ensure Tag&Rename writes more compatible tags?


Nope, there are too many poorly-defined, inconsistent "standards" for the metadata to be properly interpreted by multiple players. Pick the player you are most likely to use and tag to its standards. You really can't do any better.

See also Tag&Rename tag editor FAQ but don't expect its suggestions to work.

linux - Unable to get profile variable using ssh

Unable to retrieve the profile variable using ssh.

server2 ==> user apptst ==> bash profile has $APPHOME variable.

Was trying to retrieve the value from server1 using ssh but failed.

Used options below

server1> ssh apptst@server2 'echo $APPHOME'

server1> ssh apptst@server2 echo '$APPHOME'

server1> ssh apptst@server2 echo "$APPHOME"

server1> ssh apptst@server2 "echo $APPHOME"

when tried

server1> ssh apptst@server2 ls -ld $APPHOME

it works fine.

Any suggestions what is missing and how can I get the variable from server2?


This command should work:

 server1> ssh apptst@server2 'bash -l -c "echo \$APPHOME"'

  • you need ' quotes to pass that complete command to ssh as one argument; this also prevents the shell on server1 to expand $APPHOME itself

  • bash -l starts a login shell, which reads in the profiles files, where $APPHOME gets defined (as @chepner pointed out in his answer, this is not default when invoked by sshd)

  • -c executes the next argument, again with quotes that the complete echo command gets executed.

  • escaping \$ is necessary, because otherwise the parent (non-login) shell which sshd invokes (and which inherits the environment diretly from init (*)) does expand $APPHOME. But this is too early as $APPHOME only gets defined for login shells (via ~/.profile). [added this point after comment from OP]

(*) correct me, if I'm wrong here.

memory - Windows 10, 'System' process taking massive amounts of RAM

Since I upgraded to Windows 10, my system has been consuming RAM excessively

enter image description here

I've been reading a bit and determined it's likely a driver leaking memory. So I got myself the Windows Driver Kit and tracked memory usage with poolmon:

enter image description here

However, I don't really know how to proceed from here. Is the item tagged "smNp" the culprit in this issue? How do I go from there to actually identifying the driver?

I tried some stuff like "C:\Windows\System32\drivers>findstr /s smnp ." but it returned no results. I also took a look at the pooltag.txt file and this is the description I found for it:

enter image description here

So yeah, any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


By going into services.msc (via Win+R) and disabling Superfetch completely solves this. I am not sure if Superfetch is just broken as of now or it's "by design".

In addition, apparently getting rid of the paging file will have the same effect but the above solution is a safer bet.

macos - rsync over SSH with cron in osx-environment

I want to automatically download files and folders from a Linux server to which I have an SSH (and FTP) account. The files shall be downloaded on a regular basis (I suppose a cron is the right tool to do so) onto an OS X machine.

I tried the following rsync command, which works fine:

rsync -avzbe ssh account@server.tld:/www/htdocs/something/somefolder /Users/me/folder/foo/

However I have to enter the account's password every time (the SSH account on the server machine). The server is a managed one and I'm afraid I can't change the password.

Here are my questions:

  • How do I bypass the entering of the password by storing it somewhere

  • How do I automate this then correctly?


  1. Run ssh-keygen and accept the defaults in every step

  2. cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh username@host.com "mkdir -p ~/.ssh/; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; chmod 700 ~/.ssh/; chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

  3. Edit the crontab with crontab -e and add a line like 20 4,16 * * * rsync -a someuser@somehost.com:somedir/subdir ~/somedir

macos - mac mini(2010) can not bootup

I have an old mac mini (2010 type) memory has been upgraded to 4M hard disk 110g used, 2g free left yesterday when I reboot the mac mini it always displayed the small circle then shutdown automatically. I try to press key 'shift' to enter safe mode enter image description here

but result is same, it shutdown automatically after 2,3 minutes, there is no logon window display.

I try to press key 'Option' to enter 'disk utility'.

enter image description here

verifying the disk also failed.

enter image description here

Your comment welcome

networking - How to find which WDS access point I'm connected to?

I'm reposting this question I asked on the Network Engineering SE, bacause I have been redirected to Super User.

I have successfully set up two Linksys routers running DD-WRTv24 to do WDS. They have the same SSID, but different static local IP addresses. There is no security: it's just for testing; no Internet connection.

When I open my notebook, I see the SSID shared by the routers in the list of WiFi access points, and I can connect to it. Once connected, I can ping both routers' local IP addresses, so I know that the WDS is working. But I can't find a way to find out which of them I have actually connected to.

I wouldn't like to have different SSIDs, because I plan to have the access points hand-off users to one another, and I want it to be transparent for the users. I configured one AP to distribute DHCP IP addresses in one range, and the other in another range, so I can discover which AP I connected to at first, but I want a way to discover which AP I'm connected to now, so that I can find out whether the hand-off actually occurred.


Check in your computer which MAC address your wifi is connected to. This is typically reported somewhere in the details about network connections. Exactly where depends on OS and version to an excessive extent for a concise answer.

Alternatively, look in the access point control software to see which one says you are attached to it.

windows 7 - Move system disk to a different PC

I have a problem: today at work I was told that tomorrow afternoon I have to give my pc back and take a new one just arrived.
It could be a good new, but I'm a developer and I use a lot of different software to work (Visual Studio, Delphi, Eclipse, Android, Apache, MySql, etc...) and I can't think about starting to reinstall and configure everything... usually it means one week lost... and some data usually get lost too with those migrations...
So, is there any way I can use my current disk as system disk on new pc?
I'm afraid because motherboard and cpu are completely different...

Is there something I could do to prepare "migration"? Any kind of Sysprep command so when Windows Seven boots start recognizing new devices without getting lost with previous ones?

Perhaps I've just found a suitable solution here: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/135077-windows-7-installation-transfer-new-computer.html

Send HTML email in Outlook 2016

I have created an HTML page with modified from a template I got.... I want to send as a HTML based newsletter in Outlook 2016.

However the guides I see as "insert as text" do not apply to Outlook 2016 as there is no dropdown for inserting files for that in the 2016 version.

I am wondering how I go about being able to send this HTML email?

How to pass parameters in batch file and zip the file using 7z.exe?

I need to create a batch file as per below requirements

1) pass path1 & path2 while running the batch file

exl: testrun.bat E:\ERP\test1.txt E:\ERP\header.txt

2) Need to store these command line paths values in batch file

exl: var1=E:\ERP\test1.txt var2=E:\ERP\header.txt

3) zip the path1 using PKZIPW.exe or 7z.exe and create new o/p zip file

exl: 7z.exe u -tzip E:\Erp\Test1.zip var1

4) copy path2 in newly created o/p file

exl: copy /b var2+test1.zip E:\Erp\Final_output.zip


Try this:


SET var1=%1
SET var2=%2

E:\Erp\7z.exe u -tzip E:\Erp\Test1.zip %var1%
copy /b %var2%\test1.zip E:\Erp\Final_output.zip

Lining up sets of data in Excel (both with unique keys)

A related question asks how to line up two sets of data in Excel. I am struggling to figure out how to do this when you have values in both lists which don't exist in the other list. Ie: how would line up these lists?

Position    Occurrences
8 3
11 1
17 2
18 1

and another set of data has

Position    Occurrences
8 1
9 3
18 6

how can I line it up so that it's

Position    Occurrences     Position    Occurrences
8 3 8 1
9 3
11 1
17 2
18 1 18 6

You'll note that in this example we have Position's 11 and 17 which are in list 1 but not list 2. And Position 9 which is in list 2 but not list 1.


You need to create a master list containing all possible values (e.g. 1 to 20 in your case) and look for the corresponding values from the original list:
- fill numbers 1 - 20 in A2 to A21
- in column B put formula: =if(iserror(match(A2,,0)),"",A2)
- formula in column C: =iferror(vlookup(A2,,2,false),"")
- in columns D and E put the same formulas related for your second range
- in column F put this formula to check whether any of the ranges has value in the row to let you filtering out empty rows: =count(C2,D2)>0

memory - What is the "secret" behind the non-volatile effect of the Flash memories?

As wikipedia and other sources say:

"Flash memory is a non-volatile computer storage chip that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. It was developed from EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory) and must be erased in fairly large blocks before these can be rewritten with new data."

As far I know, to store each bit, a non-volatile memory must use one of the folowing techniques:

  1. Using the "capacitator" effect of volatile memories, refreshing them before it lost its load. This is used by DRAM memories.

  2. Using a bistable latching circuitry such as a flip-flop circuit, so it dont need to use the refeshing mechanism like DRAM, but you still need to energize it, turning it off will make you lose all your stored data.

  3. Using mechanical and optical dots, magnetic fileds, or even using "spins" to store data on binary or ternary form.

However, I dindn't find any of this "techniques" being used here. If using 1 or 2, a Flash memmory would need at least a onboard battery to keep the circuit energized(or refreshed with another circuit). If using 3, it would be a external hard drive, what is not the case here.

So, how does a Flash memory store their bits? There is another technique that I don't know that made possible the Flash memories?


Just some minor corrections, DRAM memory is volatile rather than non-volatile as in your question. Flip-Flops are also volatile as they require power in order to retain their state. Volatile memories loose their cohesion, and therefore their stored data, as a matter of course when power is removed. The definition of volatile can be seen here:

(Electronics & Computer Science / Computer Science) Computing (of a memory) not retaining stored information when the power supply is cut off.

DRAM also has the problem that it looses it's data even when powered and requires constant refreshes to retain data.

A true non-volatile memory by comparison requires no external power to be connected in order to retain data.

Before EEPROMs and Flash memory became so prevalent the only realistic way to achieve (admittedly fake) non-volatile memory was to use a battery-backup of some sort. This meant that the amount of memory was highly limited in order to keep current required to a minimum and therefore increase the amount of time data could be stored for.

Nowadays though non-volatile memory technologies have advanced quite considerably and given us massively large data densities, but they still lack the write endurance and raw speed of their volatile cousins.

FLASH Memory

For Flash memory Wikipedia gives the best visual interpretation of a Flash memory Cell (note that this is a "NOR" gate and while the process is kind of similar for a NAND gate there are differences):

enter image description here

Basically your "Floating Gate" in this picture is where your data bit is stored, it is an electrically isolated area in the circuit. You pass a very high momentary current across the contacts of the gate (from the source to drain and top "Control Gate") and as a result of this high current electrons will be "injected" into the floating gate, thus storing a bit there.

Because the Floating Gate has no direct electrical connections the injected electrons can do nothing but sit there, trapped on the gate.

The state of the floating gate can be determined quite easily as it affects the electrical characteristics of the circuit across the source and drain. The problem comes when you try to reset that bit, it requires a strong current to once again "suck" electrons off of the floating gate and this causes damage in the insulation and thus limits the number of times the cell can be written and erased.

The requirements for high erase current mean that it is a slow process to erase a memory cell and so it is much slower than DRAM which can be changed quickly and without any exorbitant costs in terms of current or voltage.


FRAM is a non-volatile memory that uses electric currents to change magnetic alignment of sections of a ferrous material, and then requires a good deal of electronics to read that data back, but the data can be changed much more easily than flash. As a result it is a lot faster than FLASH memory but has a much lower data density and is less useful for mass storage devices.


There are other methods of storing and reading data in a non-volatile way, such as "Phase Change Memory" (PRAM) which uses an electric current to modify the structure of a crystalline material, the electrical properties of which change depending on which state it is in and thus is electronically "readable".

As I mentioned the main downsides with all these memories is that they tend to either be slower, have lower data densities or have other requirements or issues that prevent them from entering mainstream use.

This Wikipedia article is a good start if you are wanting to look into the subject more and has several links to various types of Non-volatile memory.

firefox - How to search non ssl google?

Even when I visit nosslsearch.google.com I ultimately get redirected to https://www.google.com. Why is this? (I'm not signed in to google, and I'm entering these in the urlbar, not the search plugins.)

I've tried Firefox 23 on both Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 7, with the same results. I've also tried Chrome on Windows 7 with the same result. I've tried using Firefox in safe mode with all addons disabled, and clean profiles and clean installs of Firefox.

Surely the purpose of the nosslsearch site is to allow non-HTTPS searches, but using the firefox console, I see that it first redirects me to http://www.google.com which subsequently just redirects me to https://www.google.com. Why is it doing this?

(I need non-HTTPS search as HTTPS are blocked)

mouse - Applications losing focus for a few seconds in Windows 7

Recently all of my applications keep losing focus every minute (or so) for a few seconds (then the window gets the focus back). It is very annoying, since I'm typing most of the time and get interrupted by this behavior. Things worked fine until a week ago and I have no idea what is causing this error, but I noticed the mouse moves to a certain point on one of my screens when this happens.

I would appreciate any advice: it starts to drive me crazy...

ffmpeg - How to copy|extract encoding settings from existing media file?

I wished to be able do this multiple times now so I ask.

If I have an existing video or audio file, ffmpeg, mplayer and other media players can detect at least some of it's "propreties" like container, codec and bitrate used, probably various quality and encoding specific settings, etc.

How can I extract these settings from an existing file in order to use them (directly) for encoding with ffmpeg?

For example, I got an mkv video encoded with x264 with some settings, and another uncompressed avi file. I would like to "copy" the encoding settings used in for x264 mkv file to transcode the avi with the same settings.

Note: I'm looking for a way that should include no human work with "translating" the settings from a decoder to the encoder. It is okay if I need to extract the settings first and save it somewhere but I would like to be able to simply feed the read options to a command line or preset|configuration file for ffmpeg.


There is no automatic way to do that. You have to look at the parameters of the original file and apply them to the output file.

In most cases, these will be the following:

  • Container format (MP4, MKV, …)

  • Video and audio codec (H.264, H.265, …)

  • Audio-specific:

    • Number of audio channels

    • Audio sampling rate

    • Audio bitrate

  • Video-specific:

    • Profile and Level (to ensure compatibility, see here)

    • Maximum bitrate limitations (e.g. for H.264)

    • Maximum video resolution, change via -filter:v scale or -s:v

    • Framerate, change via -filter:v fps -r

    • Chroma subsampling, change via -pix_fmt (e.g., -pix_fmt yuv420p should give you the best compatibility)

    • GOP size (distance between IDR-frames), set via -g

    • Other specific encoding settings

But even if you get that all right, some devices may require specific, proprietary information embedded in the bitstream.

As for the specific task of using x264, this is not going to be trivial. I'm not aware of a single script that'd take care of these tasks, which are usually done manually. For the most info about the encoding settings, on Unix/Linux or OS X, you can use mediainfo with some Bash tricks.

For example, for an x264-encoded video in an MP4 file:

mediainfo input.mp4 | grep "Encoding settings" | cut -d':' -f2- | tr '/' '\n' | sed 's/ //'

This will output a list of x264 options:


You could then manually pass these options to the x264 binary.

If you go through FFmpeg, that's a little more complicated though, as not all of x264's options can or should be mapped like this. Note that often a simple preset, tune and profile specification will do as well (as seen in x264 --fullhelp and the x264 encoding guide), and specifying the CRF level is enough.

And this is not even considering audio, where luckily, there aren't that many options.

windows 7 - How to configure IIS on my PC so that other machines can access it

I have a machine running Windows 7 Home Premium x64.

IIS7 is up and running; I can navigate to localhost:80 and the spiffy IIS7 welcome screen appears.

When I try this on any of my other machines, the request times out. And, yes, I can successfully ping the IIS7 host machine from the other machines.

I've tried looking over the IIS7 documentation, and the answer is probably there but I can't find it.

Or is it maybe something to do with Windows 7 security?


Saturday, 28 December 2019

performance - What might limit data transfer rate to NAS?

I have two NAS (Buffalo Linkstation Pro, WD MyBook World), which are connected to 2 PCs with a Gigabit LAN connection. All devices are in "Gigabit mode", meaning all show that their connection speed is really 1 GBit. But the transfer rates to and from the NAS drives are very low, on average 5 MByte/sec, copying large files with several GByte in size.

Looking at the spec of the Buffalo drive, it should do up to 30 MBytes/sec. Of course, this is probably a best case scenario, but I think more than what I have right now should be possible.

Copying files between the two PCs is much faster, about 25 MBytes/sec.

What could limit the data transfer? What can I do to increase it?


The WD MyBook World is CPU-bound or disk-controller-bound. If you do an online search for the throughput of the first versions of MBW, you will find that 5MB/s is quite common. There is nothing you can do about this.

networking - Setting up a Wireless Repeater in a home network

Main router/wap
Netgear WNR3500 (manual)

2nd wap
D-Link DAP-2553 (manual)

Goal of Network
The main router/wap (Netgear) sits in the corner of the house. The wireless tends to have a poor signal in the main area of the house. I picked up the D-Link so that I could add another wap to the main area of the house and provide a solid signal where most of the wireless devices hang out.

I'd like to have both the Netgear broadcast the wireless as well as the D-Link so that all areas of the house have good coverage and on the same SSID.

FYI: I have a wired connection between the D-Link wap and the Netgear router.

Netgear Settings

  • Default IP address of

  • Enable wireless router radio (yes)

  • Enable wireless repeating function (yes)

  • Set as wireless base station (yes)

  • Disable Wireless Client Association (no)

  • Added the MAC address of the D-Link to the repeater MAC address list

D-Link Settings

  • Updated the static IP from to

  • Not sure which setting to choose from for the Wireless Settings Operational Mode. The options are:

    1. Wireless Client: AP acts as a wireless network adapter for your Ethernet-enabled device

    2. Access Point (AP): Create a wireless LAN

    3. WDS with AP: Wirelessly connect multiple networks while still functioning as a wireless AP

    4. WDS: Wirelessly connect multiple networks

Of Note: I have set both routers to be on the same SSID channel and security mode.

My Questions are

  1. Have I set up the Netgear wireless repeater options correctly?

  2. What mode do I set up the D-Link as?

  3. Am I even going about this the correct way? i.e., is the repeater option what I'm really looking for?



FYI: I have a wired connection between the D-Link wap and the Netgear router.

Since your second wireless access point is already wired into the network, you really do not require a wireless repeater. IF (and only if) the second WAP (the D-Link in your installation) was not already wired in, then this WAP would act as a repeater (not the Netgear as your initial configuration).

The primary wireless router (the Netgear) could be setup as if were the sole WAP in the house: DHCP enabled and whatever "normal" wireless settings you choose.

The secondary WAP (the D-Link) should be configured as a wireless access point (which means that DHCP must be disabled on this unit). This unit's LAN port should be assigned a static IP address within the subnet but outside the DHCP allocation range. You have set it to, which is outside the Netgear's default(?) .60 to .100 range; I'm lazy and use .2. Setup its wireless with the same SSID and security configuration as the other WAP, but on a different radio channel at least 5 channel numbers different to avoid overlap.

If you encounter wireless connection issues, then the first thing to do is revert to different SSIDs, so that you can determine to which WAP you're connecting (or not). You might want to use inSSIDer to help view channel activity and signal strength at various locations within your home.

Here's a link to a guy's solution to your near identical situation. Just don't get confused when he turns off the 1st router; it's only temporary in order to access the 2nd router which initially has the same IP address.

Correction: Your WNR3500 has a different default DHCP address range from my WNR3700. Just like the second URL mentioned, you will have to exclude the D-Link's static IP address from the range of IP addresses handed out by the Netgear's DHCP. Be sure to have the wired network working as expected before troubleshooting the wireless network.

How can I convert MP4 video to MP3 audio with FFmpeg?

I need to extract an MP3 audio track from an MP4 video with ffmpeg. I can do this for .flv -> mp3, but I don't know the command line parameters for mp4->mp3. For example, flv -> mp3:

ffmpeg -i video.flv -acodec copy audio.mp3

What parameters should I use for mp4 -> mp3?

windows 10 - CD command on CMD doesn't work

This is the screenshot of my command prompt:

enter image description here


You need to use option /d to change the current directory of the drive and change to that drive.
Or you can type the drive letter (c: in this example) to change to the drive.

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.706]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

C:\Users\foo>cd /d d:\

d:\>cd c:\Users\foo



Windows 8.1 Pro Pack on a new computer

I have received a replacement computer that has Windows 8.1 pre-installed. The previous computer stopped working and has been destroyed.

I have gone to upgrade it to Windows 8.1 Pro and it accepted the product key but the next day it won't allow me to activate Windows because the product key is in use on another computer.

How do I somehow notify that the previous computer is no longer a computer (it's probably in a thousand pieces by now) and that I am correctly licensed and should be allowed to activate it on this replacement computer.


Microsoft usually provides an alternative method to activate copies of Windows that have been flagged as in use on another computer, usually by phoning Microsoft and activating over the phone. Your activation screen should have this option on the same page that tells you it is in use. For example, on the following screen, click Call Support:

enter image description here


windows 8 - Can a Network Administrator rearrange tiles on a user's Start Menu?

Sometimes rearranging or removing tiles on the Start Menu can confuse users. Is there a way for a Network Administrator to rearrange (or even reset) tiles on the Start Menu to some pre-defined layout?


Tile layouts are stored in a file called appsFolder.itemdata-ms located in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows.

Basically, you can arrange the tiles however you want then take a copy of this file and place it the default user profile (either manually or in your build). New users logging in will then get this pre-defined tile configuration.

You can also copy it directly to the user profile and it will reset the configuration next time the user logs in.

FileZilla: How to copy files from one directory to another on the same server?

I want to copy files from one directory to another on the same server using FileZilla. Please guide me how can it be done?

display - Windows 10 laptop screen messed up after sleeping

I got Dell Inspirion 7567 with nVidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti and Intel HD 630. Since today, loading after sleeping mode gets me to this: messed

Complete reboot fixes it, but after that, I close laptop lid, re-open it and get same mess.

So I read about possible troubles after recent windows update in case of GeForce video adapter, reinstalled all GeForce software, including drivers, but it didn't helped.

I tried to switch off Intel HD from Device Manager. After that, sleep mode disappeared from start menu. After closing lid windows somehow "wakes up" to current state, with opened windows and running programs and without any troubles. But GTX 1050 also became unavailable after that. I rolled back and now confused: what are possible actions to locate a reason of this problem? I still suppose that is software problem, but currently I am not sure.

If any additional info needed, I would provide it.


Edit: The same day I posted this, Intel provided a new driver branch (15.60) which also appears to solve the problem from the initial version,

TL;DR - if you use a built-in Intel graphics adapter, install from here, after checking it is compatible with your OS and adapter.

For me, this seems to have been a problem with the drivers for the Intel HD 530 graphics built into my 6th gen Intel processor. Unlike other contributors, I don't have a Dell machine (and the "Rollback" button was disabled), so I went to the Intel download site for my adapter. The drivers are more general than specific product numbers, so similar problems with other adapters might be solvable with the same drivers - you should obviously check compatibility before experimenting.

In the end, I used the latest driver from the 15.45 branch, ( which worked. At the time of writing, this was the latest built driver, but not the most recent branch. The latest 15.47 driver ( exhibited the same problems as the version included with the broken Windows update.

Intel's versioning is shocking: they list both branches 15.45. and 15.47 as "latest" with no indication (for Win 10) of how you choose one over the other. To make matters worse, once the drivers are installed they report a mostly different version number in device manager (, in the case of

windows 7 - How do I record sounds directly from my sound card?

I want to record a sound that comes from a program in my computer, directly from my sound card, not using a crappy microphone to record it!

I was able to do this easily on Windows XP by choosing "what u hear" (yes, it really had "u" in it!) device from the recording options.

But on Windows 7 there is no such option anywhere, and generally I don't understand the Windows 7 sound options at all.

NOTE: This must be Windows 7 sound settings specific. I want to fool the computer to think that my computer audio is the microphone audio, so if I "speak" on Skype, they would hear any song I play on my computer. Do not suggest Skype-specific programs either. I want this thing to work in EVERY program on my computer, just like it did on Windows XP.

I finally found the working driver: SB24_VTDRV_LB_1_04_0065A.exe


In my Windows 7, there is a "Stereo Mix" in recording devices. Just choose that as default recording device and/or "default communicating device"(I don't know the exact name; it's in the context menu). Then any program which uses this device will catch what you can hear through the speakers.

In Windows XP it should be the same name. However, it depends on your sound driver, as I haven't see any devices named "what u hear"... Just try to play a music and watch the levels of input of all available recording devices.

Sorry the text above is not well organized... but hope it can help you.


I just saw your last comment... Does Creative have a new driver for your SB Live! 24bit? It seems that your current driver don't have this function.

Friday, 27 December 2019

character encoding - Convert File Names into UTF

I have a folder full of sub folders and files which are named using Hebrew encoding (Windows XP - Windows-1255). I now use Windows 7 and I want to convert all file names into UTF (Native Windows 7 which supports Hebrew characters).

Is there a tool to do so automatically?

Pay attention, I'm not after converting the internals of the file, only its file name.




What is needed to be done to fix this is to find some way to automatically know each of these Gibberish characters which Hebrew character they were before being getting that way.

I compiled to such lists of characters. I've seen both kinds of corruptions, sometimes it was using one set and sometimes the other. Here are both sets (and here it is pasted in separate rows, which is needed for what we 'll be doing: Set 1 and Set 2):

  1. à=א á=ב â=ג ã=ד ä=ה å=ו æ=ז ç=ח è=ט é=י ê=ך ë=כ ì=ל í=ם î=מ ï=ן ð=נ ñ=ס ò=ע ó=ף ô=פ õ=ץ ö=צ ÷=ק ø=ר ù=ש ú=ת ‚=ג „=ד ‡=א ˆ=צ ‰=ה ˜=ק ¯=ר Á=ח Â=ו È=י Ê=ז Ë=ט Ì=ם Í=ך Î=כ Ï=ל Ò=ס Ó=מ Ô=ן Ù=פ Ú=ע Û=ף Æ=. ¨=, ß=' ¢="

  2. Ç=א ü=ב é=ג â=ד ä=ה à=ו å=ז ç=ח ê=ט ë=י è=ך ï=כ î=ל ì=ם Ä=מ Å=ן É=נ æ=ס Æ=ע ô=ף ö=פ ò=ץ û=צ ù=ק ÿ=ר Ö=ש Ü=ת

Got it Fixed!

To actually rename files and folders, I figured out an easy way to got this done using Bulk Rename Utility

  1. Open the programs and browse to the folder containing all the files with this kind of names. enter image description here

  2. In the bottom of the interface, in the Special section, click on Character Translations

  3. In the dialog that opens paste the whole list of the charachter set your files are displayed in from the Pastbin link above, and click OK
    enter image description here

  4. In the Filters section, place a checkmark at Subfolders if you want to do more then one folder at a time.

  5. Select all files and folder in the list (you should see the name it'll become after renaming it in the 2nd coulmn) and click Rename. And now all names should be displyed in Hebrew! enter image description here

Why does 'Powercfg -requestsoverride Driver "Legacy Kernel Caller" System' fail to let my laptop hibernate?

Please see the screenshot beneath: my 4 inputs failed to solve the difficulty identical to this post. When I tried to 'Hibernate' after inputting it, my laptop still failed to hibernate.

enter image description here

Here's my energy-report.html.

enter image description here

Wake Timers have been disabled:

enter image description here

crash - Completely Uninstall Visual Studio 2010

I've got a bug with visual studio 2010, whenever I try to run my program with debugging enabled it pops up an error message saying "Error While Trying to Run Project: Uncaught exception thrown by method called through Reflection". This happens even on a fresh project, so it's not my code.

I tried uninstalling through the uninstaller and reinstalling but it still breaks.

What steps to I have to take to completely remove or repair all of the files Visual Studio could be relying on that're breaking it?

I'm running Windows 7, with the new Service Pack. I can boot into Ubuntu 10.4 if required, though visual studio is not set to run on that OS.

P.S> I'm aware of http://support.microsoft.com/kb/248697, but it's both for a much older system and the latest OS it even mentions is XP, so I doubt its relevance.

EDIT: Bit more info

If I go into linux and create a new folder (let's call this folder TESTPERMS for now) and I navigate to where that folder is in the terminal and enter ls -l I get this result

drwx------ 1 nick nick       0 2011-03-16 20:08 TESTPERMS

I then enter the command chmod 777 TESTPERMS

I get this result:

drwx------ 1 nick nick       0 2011-03-16 20:08 TESTPERMS

I try sudo chmod 777 TESTPERMS

I get this result:

drwx------ 1 nick nick       0 2011-03-16 20:08 TESTPERMS

Permissions just aren't changing.


OK, well I only managed to fix matters by completely reformatting. I'll leave this open if there's anybody else who gets this issue but I'll no longer be able to test solutions.


I was able to find this with a quick google search (link): Debugger start fails if the IntelliTrace recordings directory is Read-Only

By default, IntelliTrace files are located in the "%ProgramData%\Microsoft Visual
Studio\10.0\TraceDebugging\" directory. If this directory is made read-only, or the
directory is changed to a read-only location, an uncaught exception gets raised to the
user. "Error while trying to run project: Uncaught exception thrown by method called
through Reflection."

To resolve this issue:

* Option 1: Modify the permissions of the directory to be writable. 
* Option 2: Change the directory where IntelliTrace recordings are stored.
o In Visual Studio, open the Options dialog box.
o Expand the IntelliTrace item in the left pane of the dialog box.
o Click the Advanced item under IntelliTrace.
o Change the IntelliTrace recordings directory to one that is not read-only.
o Click OK.

windows 8.1 - Opera error “Can’t open user profile directory, because you lack sufficient privileges.” after Power Loss

I am getting this message when I try to open Opera:

Can't open user profile directory, because you lack sufficient privileges. You might want to contact the administrator of this machine.

  • I am the Admin on my PC and current User name is also on Admin group.

  • Had 1st power failure few days ago while active on PC, & after restart Opera worked fine.

  • Then did the recent Opera security update and/ or update to latest Opera and this time the PC was idle and opera had bunch of tabs open, when the 2nd power failure happened.

Solution pathways: ??

  • Is there a within Opera fix for this? OR Does it have to be a Windows level fix?

  • Would downloading a full Setup of latest Opera and installing on top (maybe as Admin) work to fix this issue?

  • Should I do something like a "Take Ownership" on certain folders/ folder tree via Windows Explorer or similar?

Please let me know how to ENSURE I get access to this without losing my profile info. Thanks.

Additional info:

Since, this showed up I figured I should do a typical system check that I do using Image-Health which includes DISM & SFC command via an easy to run Menu system.

DISM ran fine, but SFC stopped at 23% and created at report (most of its lots of Hex/ Binary style info that doesnt share any file/ folder names of issue).

Now, for those saying SFC is not significant, let me repeat - All said checks, that I've used many times have worked fine before.

So, I believe this Opera & SFC both facing permissions issues is kind of connected.

The only other addition was installation of Windows 8.1 Security Rollup before these 2 power failures.

SFC - System File Checker stuck at 23 24% - Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation

Permissions Screenshots combined: PS: At first this was concerning, but then the Read Only attrib is there on the AppData folders of all Applications, so I figure that may be the norm?

enter image description here

Setting up multiple Windows 10 PCs using a single image

I have 12 brand new computers that I am configuring for a client. Instead of setting them all up one at a time I want to configure one PC, create an image and mount that image across the rest of my PCs. I have done this successfully for all the PCs but now I am wondering if this is going to cause problems. Here are the concerns I have.

  1. Will this cause all of the PCs to use the same Windows 10 Product Key which will violate the licensing agreement?

  2. Under "Device Specifications" in the "About" section of "System Settings", the "Device ID" and "Product ID" are now identical across all 12 PCs. What are those two values used for? Will this cause problems having 12 PCs on the same network with these two values duplicated?

In an attempt to work around this issues, I decided to test a disc Clone rather than just using my backup image. So I reset one of the PCs back to the factory original settings and cloned the disc from my "model" machine. After performing the clone I can confirm the same experience was seen. The Device ID and Product ID was now again duplicated on the destination machine.

I am using Acronis True Image 2019 for image and cloning, and the new PCs are Lenovo P330s.


Yes, there would be a licensing issue with a clone. You should use Microsoft's System Preparation (Sysprep) tool before making the image. "Sysprep prepares an installation of Microsoft Windows for duplication, auditing, and customer delivery... Sysprep is in the following folder: %windir%\system32\sysprep.

In addition to removing the licensing key, Sysprep also cleans out old network info, Error Logs, shell settings, etc.

data recovery - ddrescue really slow on failing drive

I have a failing drive which reads at 24 kbit/s.  As it its total capacity is 3.4 TB, it will take probably 3 years to recover the data.  Is there any way if performing a backup of the MFT (table of contents), then every potential sector which reads at a better rate as an image file so I could mount in the meantime even if it will be incomplete in order to recover some "critical" files ASAP?

Windows 7 refusing to install due to a partition error during installation

When I started my computer, it gave me this error:

Disk error occurred. Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart.


Reboot and select proper boot device, or insert boot media in selected boot device and press any key.

As a solution, I started a new installation of Window 7 from a pen drive. It started but when I got to selecting the partition to install, it gives me this error:

Windows could not format a partition on disk 0 - error code 0x80070057.


The error code 0x80070057 appears because the partition that is reserved for system is damaged

Inorder to solve the issue try by deleting the existing partitions, create a new partition, and continue with the formatting ,This Microsoft forum gives you elaborated answer

Apart from that Reboot and select proper boot device, or insert boot media in selected boot device and press any key ,try re-arranging your boot order of your bios with respective to your booting device will solve your problem.

How can I connect a PC Card (PCMCIA) to a newer laptop?

I have a National Instruments card which is an older interface - PCMCIA Type II PC Card.

Naturally, my laptop I would like to use this with does not have a PC Card slot (only USB and Express Card 54).

I have been able to find literally hundreds of adapters to take a PC Card slot and use it for everything but nothing going the other way.

  • What options are there to use a PCMCIA/PC Card on a newer laptop?


In addition to the other answers, if anyone else finds this site, you can find Expresscard to PCMCIA adapters as well. These are generally considerably cheaper.

This one:

works with both 32-bit and 16-bit cards but is limited to Windows and will work in my situation. Other cards may not support both 16/32bit cards (make sure to check before purchasing) or specific operating systems.

windows - How to split a text file into multiple text files

I have a text file called entry.txt that contains the following:

[ entry1 ]
1239 1240 1242 1391 1392 1394 1486 1487 1489 1600
1601 1603 1657 1658 1660 2075 2076 2078 2322 2323
2325 2740 2741 2743 3082 3083 3085 3291 3292 3294
3481 3482 3484 3633 3634 3636 3690 3691 3693 3766
3767 3769 4526 4527 4529 4583 4584 4586 4773 4774
4776 5153 5154 5156 5628 5629 5631
[ entry2 ]
1239 1240 1242 1391 1392 1394 1486 1487 1489 1600
1601 1603 1657 1658 1660 2075 2076 2078 2322 2323
2325 2740 2741 2743 3082 3083 3085 3291 3292 3294
3481 3482 3484 3690 3691 3693 3766 3767 3769 4526
4527 4529 4583 4584 4586 4773 4774 4776 5153 5154
5156 5628 5629 5631
[ entry3 ]
1239 1240 1242 1391 1392 1394 1486 1487 1489 1600
1601 1603 1657 1658 1660 2075 2076 2078 2322 2323
2325 2740 2741 2743 3082 3083 3085 3291 3292 3294
3481 3482 3484 3690 3691 3693 3766 3767 3769 4241
4242 4244 4526 4527 4529 4583 4584 4586 4773 4774
4776 5153 5154 5156 5495 5496 5498 5628 5629 5631

I would like to split it into three text files: entry1.txt, entry2.txt, entry3.txt. Their contents are as follows.


[ entry1 ]
1239 1240 1242 1391 1392 1394 1486 1487 1489 1600
1601 1603 1657 1658 1660 2075 2076 2078 2322 2323
2325 2740 2741 2743 3082 3083 3085 3291 3292 3294
3481 3482 3484 3633 3634 3636 3690 3691 3693 3766
3767 3769 4526 4527 4529 4583 4584 4586 4773 4774
4776 5153 5154 5156 5628 5629 5631


[ entry2 ]
1239 1240 1242 1391 1392 1394 1486 1487 1489 1600
1601 1603 1657 1658 1660 2075 2076 2078 2322 2323
2325 2740 2741 2743 3082 3083 3085 3291 3292 3294
3481 3482 3484 3690 3691 3693 3766 3767 3769 4526
4527 4529 4583 4584 4586 4773 4774 4776 5153 5154
5156 5628 5629 5631


[ entry3 ]
1239 1240 1242 1391 1392 1394 1486 1487 1489 1600
1601 1603 1657 1658 1660 2075 2076 2078 2322 2323
2325 2740 2741 2743 3082 3083 3085 3291 3292 3294
3481 3482 3484 3690 3691 3693 3766 3767 3769 4241
4242 4244 4526 4527 4529 4583 4584 4586 4773 4774
4776 5153 5154 5156 5495 5496 5498 5628 5629 5631

In other words, the [ character indicates a new file should begin.

Is there any way I can accomplish automatic text file splitting? My eventual, actual input entry.txt actually contains 200,001 entries.

Doing the text split in either Windows or Linux would be great. I do not have access to a Mac machine. Thanks!


And here's a nice, simple gawk one-liner :

$ gawk '{if(match($0, /^\[ (.+?) \]/, k)){name=k[1]}} {print >name".txt" }' entry.txt

This will work for any file size, irrespective of the number of lines in each entry, as long as each entry header looks like [ blahblah blah blah ]. Notice the space just after the opening [ and just before the closing ].


awk and gawk read an input file line by line. As each line is read, its contents are saved in the $0 variable. Here, we are telling awk to match anything within square brackets, and save its match into the array k.

So, every time that regular expression is matched, that is, for every header in your file, k[1] will have the matched region of the line. Namely, "entry1", "entry2" or "entry3" or "entryN". name=k[1] just saves the value of k[1] (the match) into a new variable name.

Finally, we print each line into a file called .txt, ie entry1.txt, entry2.txt ... entryN.txt.

This method will be much faster than perl for larger files.

I can't vouch for this as I have never used windows shell, but I am willing to bet it will be far faster than that also. Gawk/awk are FAST.

Is it possible to improve video quality while encoding?

I have a cheapo HD camcorder that gives me MOI and TOD files. When I copy videos from the camcorder I use Handbrake to encode them into MP4. Upon playback of the TOD or MP4 file you can see what looks like interlacing artefacts. That is when ever there is fast motion you can see lines of previous frames mixed with lines of the current frame.

enter image description here

Is there a way to improve the video quality while encoding? What applications allow you to do this? I am using Fedora 11.


From what you said:

When I copy videos from the camcorder I use Handbrake to encode them into MP4. Upon playback of the TOD or MP4 file you can see what looks like interlacing artefacts.

I take from this that your "cheapo" camera records interlaced. There are two quick solutions for this:

  1. Encode the video files as interlaced (less preferred if your target is a progressive screen)

  2. Deinterlace the source (preferred for progressive screens - e.g. modern TVs, computer monitors)

For a quick guide to deinterlacing with Handbrake, check out this guide. An alternative to deinterlacing would be decombing, which is discussed in depth here.

bios - Laptop won’t recognize charge when it’s on, but will charge when turned off

I noticed my Ubuntu based thinkpad t460 acting very slowly so I rebooted it. However, it failed to boot. So I stuck in a Ubuntu usb and used boot-repair to fix it. I then noticed it would not charge.

I have tried:

rebooting many times

reinstalling Ubuntu clean

trying another AC adapter

pressing the reset button on the back

turning off the internal battery and rebooting

fiddling around with acpi in grub

fiddling around in bios boot options

Strangely enough, it will charge when turned off which leads me to think it might be a problem with the charging port. However it will not even recognize the ac adapter when it’s on (power management says it’s not plugged in).

Is this likely a charging port/motherboard problem? Or something to do with boot repair?

In a windows keyboard, is right ALT treated as AltGr?

I am working on keyboard shortcut bindings for an app.

I am trying to get it compatible across Mac and PC. I want to validate if the following below is correct.

In PC:

  • CTRL+ALT = AltGr.

  • It is the right ALT not the left ALT.

  • Some keyboards have AltGr key.

  • Windows keyboard differentiate left ALT and right ALT.

Make Firefox display number of tabs on close of last window?

Given Firefox 18, when I use "File" -> "Close Window" (or hit Ctrl+Shift+W) with another browser window open and multiple tabs in the current window, I am asked "You are about to close [some number of] tabs". However, when I do the same thing in the last open Firefox window, it asks me if I want to quit and whether to save the tabs for the next invocation, without specifying how many tabs I have open in that window.

Often, I want to get a quick count of the number of tabs open, and aborting closing the window is a quick way to get that number. But as it is, if I have only one browser window open, I need to open another browser window simply to get the question I want.

Can Firefox be configured to display the count of the number of tabs also when closing the last browser window of the running instance? How?


Consider to use Tab Counter Firefox add-on - the simplest one for the task.

How can I VLOOKUP in multiple Excel documents?

I am trying to VLOOKUP reference data with around 400 seperate Excel files. Is it possible to do this in a quick way rather than doing it m...