Wednesday, 15 January 2020

windows xp - Software to show battery life of laptop?

Possible Duplicates:
Find time to charge in windows 7
How can I always display the remaining battery time on the Windows 7 taskbar?

What is a small, free piece of software I can use to show battery life of my laptop? I would like to see the hours remaining, and total capacity, not just the percentage shown by Windows XP.


i've just found that when I double click the regular battery icon.. if I unplug the power cord, a new line appears saying how many hours and minutes remaining "total time remaining" appears, under Total battery power remaining xx% So if win xp does it, no freeware necessary or not that necessary.

Added- It looks like
a)the ACDC adaptor has to be unplugged from it b)the power has to be below 100% i.e. 99% or less. Then, it shows time remaining.

Added- I have chosen to accept my answer as the best. Because, reading my question, anybody answering correctly should spot a flawed assumption that it makes, and should have corrected it. I wrote "I would like to see the hours remaining, and total capacity, not just the percentage shown by Windows XP."

A correct answer should have said that most laptops running win XP WILL show the hours remaining. This infact negates the main need for such 3rd party software (other than a)convenience or b)uncooperative laptops). There was a mistaken assumption in my question that should have been spotted and corrected, and its correction held the answer to my question.

nhinkle did mention it, but as a useful elaborative comment to my answer after I had already spotted it and in effect, by me spotting it, I answered my question by destroying the false assumption I had made. good comment though!

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