Tuesday 28 January 2020

windows 10 - Import Chrome user profile from another computer

So I recently performed a clean reinstall of Windows as my system was starting to lag horribly.

I made sure to backup my Chrome user profile (C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default) to another partition before doing this, but simply copying that folder over the new install of Chrome resulted in an error message saying "Some settings were reset - Chrome detected that some of your settings were corrupted by another program and reset them to their original defaults. Learn more".

My only option from there was to click "Restore all settings to defaults", so now I have my old cache, history and bookmarks but no extensions or saved passwords from my old install. Those last two items are what I really wanted to keep the most!

I had followed this same procedure in the past to successfully transfer an entire installation, but Chrome has obviously been updated many times since then and one of those updates must have made this "security fix" (I'm sure that's what they would call it, but I call it an unnecessary nuisance!).

So does anyone know of a way to extract saved passwords and extension info from an old user profile? Even if I could just get a list of all the extensions that I had installed, so that I could manually reinstall them one by one, that would suffice. But the passwords are the most critical thing; I had username/password combos saved for ~200 sites and don't remember them all. Even if I did, I really don't like the idea of having to painstakingly log in to each site again to save the info again!

As always, MTIA :-)

EDIT: Just found this question which confirms that the ability to simply copy one profile over another has been disabled since Chrome 55 :-( Should've looked into this before reinstalling! D'oh!


Many thanks to everyone who posted answers to this question. Thanks to their insights, I was able to open the Login Data file from the old profile in ChromePass and retrieve my saved sites and passwords.

Now if only it were that simple in Chrome! All I had to provide ChromePass was my old Windows user password to decrypt all 208 passwords stored in the file. Seeing as how the process is that simple, I don't understand why Chrome doesn't have an option to do this built in. Actually yes I do: because they'd rather have everyone store their passwords on Chrome servers. God only knows what they might do with that information!

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