Sunday 26 January 2020

windows xp - Administrator account is corrupted?

After successfully solving my previous problem i stumbled upon another shortly after. Once i logged into my administrator account i have noticed the following missing:

  1. Quick launch which also cannot be enabled

  2. Shortcuts in right slidable panel on desktop

  3. Access to many folders is denied

  4. Nothing in Start > Programs

Additionally Atomic Alarm crashed every time i logged into Windows as well as Adobe Shockwave installation which usually appeared.

After logging off and on again, i have got this message:

Windows cannot load user's profile but has logged you on with the default profile for the system. DETAIL: Incorrect function

Should i remove and recreate same admin profile? I have tried changing rights which did not help. Question is, programs that worked with original administrator profile will work with same but new account?

My computer's specifications:

  • Windows XP SP3 32-bit Home Edition

  • HP Pavilion 5282ea

  • 2.5GB of RAM

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