Saturday, 18 January 2020

ssh - Generate RSAv2 key in OpenSSH format in Windows

I have to generate a key, RSA v2 in OpenSSH format. I am a bit confused. I am trying to generate it using Putty Key Generator. There I see an option SSH2-RSA, SSH1-RSA. So is SSH2-RSA the RSA2 key or it means something else. Also is this key in the OpenSSH format. I see that there is a conversion tab with 2 options: export OpenSSh Key and export key. So I am not sure if the keys I have generated are in OpenSSH format.

Regards Ankur


Make sure you have version 0.65 - dated 20150725 - of PuTTY installed : the maintainer is pretty up-to-date with standards, so the key generated will be also.

The puttygen tool will create a private key that you can save in "PuTTY" format (using the Save private key button), "OpenSSH" or "" format using the according option in the Conversions menu.

Since the public key part is not encrypted and is only text-based, the format is irrelevant.

Hope this help!

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