Wednesday 1 January 2020

linux - lazy prompt for ssh public key passphrase

I have ssh public keys set up on my computers. They have passphrases. Whenever I need to, e.g. push to github, I have to type in the passphrase. Each time. And I'd rather ssh remembered on subsequent accesses.

ssh-agent/keychain seem to just about fit the bill, except they bother me for the passphrase when I log in (when I might not be sure I need to use my ssh keys), not when I'm trying to use ssh.

Is there some feature in either of those tools or some other tool that would remember the ssh passphrase, but maybe grab it when I type it in for ssh instead of when the session opens?

I somehow got this working on a Fedora 16 box a while ago, but can't remember what I did.

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