Monday 1 July 2019

networking - Configuring old router as repeater?

I have been at it for about two days and let me give a detailed account of all the settings that I have set.

For the sake of clarity I will call the router which as Internet connection (WAN) as the mainRouter and the old router which I want to use as a repeater as the the secondRouter.

In the screenshots I have the SSID of the mainRouter as iball100 and that of the secondRouter as iballRep

Here are the settings for the mainRouter

Main router settings

And now for the Settings for the secondRouer

enter image description here

The problem that i have is that the secondRouter does not have access to the internet. When I connect to the secondRouter it says "connected,No internet". I have tried connecting to it using my phone as well still get the same thing.

The secondRouter doesn't show as a connected client on the mainRouter, is a thing that I observed.

I have no clue as to what am I missing here. The settings that I have work well for youtube videos which I saw, link here.

Any help in this regard will be appreciated.


According to the manual for the second device: iB-WRX150NE, it does not have a repeater mode. It can act in Wireless Router mode or Wireless Client Router mode. The Wireless Client Router mode allows you to connect wired clients using this router as a bridge to the other wireless network. It cannot wirelessly provide access and also act as a bridge.

See section 4.5 Operation mode:

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