Thursday, 25 July 2019

boot - Clonezilla fails at cloning with mismatched GPT and MBR partition

I got this message:

This disk contains mismatched GPT and MBR partition: /dev/sda

Clonezilla's FAQ says:

You might have installed an OS with GPT partition table, and later overwrite the disk by installing another OS with MBR partition table. The MBR partition table editor, e.g. fdisk, sfdisk, or cdisk does not know GPT, so it overwrite part of the GPT partition table, but did not clean the rest completely. Therefore that's why you got such a message.

If you are sure your running OS is using MBR partition table, not GPT one, you can run sudo sgdisk -z /dev/sdx (Replace /dev/sdx with your disk name, e.g. /dev/sda for the 1st hard drive) to clean the GPT partition table, while keep the MBR partition table. //NOTE// Use the above command carefully. It might destroy everything on the harddrive.

I installed Mac first and Windows second, then replaced the default MBR boot manager with Chameleon Boot Loader.

Here's the partition table:

   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk0
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_HFS macintosh 69.3 GB disk0s2
3: Apple_HFS mavericks 180.0 GB disk0s3
4: Microsoft Basic Data Melomano 749.9 GB disk0s4

Disk0s3 is the current MacOSX partition, disk0s2 is a Time Machine backup and disk0s4 is Windows 8.1.

What should I do?


Solution Resolve the conflict observed by clonezilla, by removing one of the entries (gpt). To do this, access the command line terminal of clonezilla. Use the following command to delete the gpt.

sudo gdisk /dev/sda
(Press 1 to select MBR)
Press 'x' and enter to reach the eXpert mode
Now press 'z' to delete the gpt
At this step be careful, you will get an option to blank out your MBR, do **NOT** do it.
Press Ctrl + C when ever you need to exit from gdisk.

Possible Cause When Windows gets installed in SSD, it creates a GPT. In my system the GPT was blank. Now when, clonezilla finds that MBR has the pariotion structure whereas GPT is blank, it throws an error. So, when the GPT is deleted, there is no more conflict.

Note Before performing this, please take a backup of your data, so that even if you accidentally delete the correct partition format, you can still retrieve your data.

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