Friday, 26 July 2019

How do I make windows explorer display the file path instead of words such as "Documents" or "Desktop"

If you ever click something on the sidebar in windows explorer:

enter image description here

the top thing says the name of what whatever you clicked:

enter image description here

However if you actually navigate to the place by clicking through the files starting at "This PC" it displays the path:

enter image description here

How do I force the top bar to always show the direct path instead of just the word?


At the moment, that doesn't seem possible to display the full folder path where you would like it. However, there is a option to display the full path in the title bar, task bar, and frankly, everywhere else except where you want it.

If you are interested: Open 'Folder Options' > Navigate to 'View' > Look under 'Files and Folders' and check the 'Display the full path in the title bar' option.

In my opinion, it's pointless. It should at least display the full path where the path is displayed. Anyway, wish I could've been of more help.

Also, I found this question.

Additionally, a solution has been linked here

Currently testing it, pretty cool, but not 100%. It is, however an executable. So it's required to run while you want the feature enabled. It doesn't require elevated rights. And it's available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions, testing the 64-bit version.

Here's the link.

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