Wednesday 17 April 2019

batch - How can I automatically log out users from a Windows machine?

I would like to make sure that people are logged out once they're done working on a single, specific multi-user machine. Currently, the next user will just "switch user" and keep working, but having many users logged on at the same time with programs open seems to use up resources.

Is it possible to automatically log out users from a machine if they haven't been active for 24 hours?

Alternatively, is it possible to log out everyone but the current user at midnight?

The computer is on a Windows domain network - though I only want the auto-logout to work for the single machine (and I'm not the network admin)



In order to log out disconnected users while leaving the current user connected, copy the following script code into a .cmd file such as "LogOffUsers.cmd" and then run it as a service at midnight:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=1-7 delims=,: " %%a in ('query user ^| find /i "disc"') do logoff %%b

The script works by using the query command to find users who are disconnected by searching the phrase "disc", then logging them out.

If you wanted the script to instead run continuously as a service, logging out users when they had been disconnected/inactive for a certain period of time, you would instead use:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=1-7 delims=,: " %%a in ('query user ^| find /i "disc"') do if %%d GTR 32 (logoff %%b) else %%e GTR 32 (logoff %%b)
choice /T 120 /C 1 /D 1 /N
goto top

This script uses the same query command, but additionally checks the "IDLE TIME" portion of the results, logging the user off if idle time is greater than 32 ( "GTR 32" ). That phrase occurs twice because the "IDLE TIME" token can occur two slightly different positions. Then the line beginning with "choice" waits 2 minutes before performing the operation again by looping to the beginning. You can increase or decrease the "32" value according to your needs.

Found here.

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