Thursday, 25 April 2019

video - How can I combine 30,000 images into a timelapse movie?

I have taken 30,000 still images that I want to combine into a timelapse movie. I have tried QuickTime Pro, TimeLapse 3, and Windows Movie Maker, but with such a huge amount of images, each of the programs fail (I tried SUPER ©, but couldn't get it to work either...?). It seems that all of these programs crash after a few thousand pictures.

The images I have are all in .JPG format, at a resolution of 1280x800, and I'm looking for a program that can put these images into a timelapse movie in some kind of lossless format (raw/uncompressed AVI would be fine) for further editing. Does anyone have any ideas, or has anyone tried anything like this with a similar number of pictures?


Avidemux can create movies from a bunch of images.

You could also use mencoder, but is a bit harder to use, with all the command line options 'n all. I've been using this:

mencoder mf://*.jpg -mf fps=xxx:type=jpg -ovc x264 -x264encopts bitrate=yyyy:threads=2 -o outputfile.mkv

I use

xxx = 25 and 
yyy = 1200

which produces vids that are just fine. Add tunes to the movie by inserting:

-oac copy -audiofile audiofile.mp3

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