Monday, 20 May 2019

Where does Windows store icon positions?

Where do Windows XP/Vista/7/... save the positions of the icons on the desktop? Is there a built-in way to save the positions? Can I lock the position of certain items?


They are located in the registry under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop.

The key that should interest you is the ItemPosXXXxXXX(where XXX is your resolution).

enter image description here

The relevant values are Mode, LogicalViewMode, IconSize.

You can combine them as shown in the table:

Style       Mode    LogicalViewMode  IconSize
X-Lg Icons 5 3 0x100
Lg Icons 5 3 0x60
Med Icons 5 3 0x30
Sm Icons 2 3 0x10
List 3 3 0x10
Details 4 1 0x10
Tiles 6 2 0x30


Fortunately found an article that can help you. See: Windows Shellbag Forensics.

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