Friday 31 May 2019

osx snow leopard - Overzealous `mv` renamed my /usr/lib folder

I was having a problem where my libiconv.2.dylib file in /usr/lib was corrupt and lots of applications were failing. I got a copy of a friends /usr/lib folder and was going to swap them out. Apparently I didn't think it through well enough because when I issued sudo mv /usr/lib /usr/lib.old it caused some issues. Now Finder won't open, just keeps saying "Illegal Operation" and other stuff like Archive Utility doesn't work. I'm pretty sure that if I reboot my machine it won't start up at all.

How can I rename this back, or rename my friends copy to just /usr/lib (currenty /usr/


Thanks for the suggestions. I panicked early this morning and dug through every box until I found the OS X DVD. I was able to boot from the DVD directly and then use the DVD's terminal instance to rename the usr/lib/ folder back. I also reinstalled OS X and Xcode developer tools just in case. It boots up fine now, and no more errors about libiconv either.

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