Wednesday 17 April 2019

windows 7 - Dell laptop keeps detecting a Virtual Generic Non-PnP Display Device

One day out of nowhere, my Dell Studio 1747 laptop started detecting two display devices: One Generic PnP Device and another Generic Non-PnP Device.

I don't have two devices so how is it detecting another device?

The strangest part is that the virtual monitor is connecting and disconnecting itself, and my display keeps on switching from extended display to normal display to duplicate while that happens. It affects everything: my game crashes when I am playing and even Media Player crashes when playing videos.

I thought it was a driver problem so out of desperation I reinstalled the system (Windows 7). Just after The completing installation phase started, the virtual monitor popped up, and the display was duplicated - I see a miniaturized display (640 x 480). Even after I install the display driver, the problem is still present.

My original screen displays at 1600 x 900, while the virtual monitor displays at 640 x 480.

Here are some screens showing my problems:


Whenever the virtual monitors connects and disconnect (if you are wondering how I know it's connecting and disconnecting, I know from the tones Windows plays whenever a device is connected and disconnected), my ATI Control Center pops up an error message:

enter image description here

Some Interesting but very unusual discoveries

  • Whenever I disable the display adapter(i.e. Video Card Device, ATI Raedon 4650) at computer management, the system switches to a very basic display, but the switching is no longer an problem and second monitor is gone. Under

  • This will probably shock you all, I leave in a quite cold and moist sorrounding, so i suspected something, and decided to dry my system in the sun. The most strangest thing is after about 30 mins in the sun, the problem is gone(seriously no longer 2 monitor). Then it again reappeard at the morning I have tested this just 2 times due to tight schedule but it strangely works.

  • The Connect/Disconnect Cycle Frequency is higher, when I choose to display on my monitor only, slightly less when on extended mode and very less on duplicate mode.

As per the request I will upload some information about the detected monitor on my next edit.

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