Thursday 18 April 2019

macos - OSX / Samba - How do I automatically remount / reconnect to drives that have been disconnected?

Is there a simple method to automatically reconnect a network drive that has been disconnected due to network failure or some other issue. I have a batch job setup that periodically copies files to a network drive, when the drive disconnects, I need to manually remount the drive.


Add some code to check for the mounts and to try and remount them if needed - here's some (snipped bits) from a Linux backup bash script (sorry, no OSX to hand at the moment) - it might give you some pointers and maybe someone will post an OSX equivalent too:

mountoptions='-o username=bkuplinux,domain=mydomain,password=mypassword'
# End of user editable variables


if [ $(mount | grep -c $mountpoint) != 1 ]; then
echo "$mountpoint mount is not present - trying to mount..."
mount -t cifs $sharename $mountpoint $mountoptions
if [ $(mount | grep -c $mountpoint) != 1 ]; then
echo "$mountpoint mount is still not present - quitting"

if [ "$emailtarget" != "" ]; then
echo "$mountpoint mount is not present on $thishost so backup cannot continue" | mail -s "$thishost backup problem" $emailtarget
exit 1

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