Monday, 22 April 2019

license - Where I can I legally download Windows 7 installation .ISO files?

Possible Duplicate:
Where do I download Windows 7 (legally from Microsoft)?

Disclaimer: I'm primarily a Linux/Unix person, so all this Windows licensing stuff is new to me.

Where I can I legally download Windows 7 installation .ISO files? (And will it work with my OEM manufacturer provided license?)

Let's say I have friend or family member that comes to me with a laptop that they need help with. This laptop was purchased from ${BigBox Store} and did not come either Installation CDs, or a manufacturer's Recovery CDs and not knowing any better they didn't opt to create a Recovery CD. Additionally, we are out of warranty so there is no (free) way to get the Recovery CDs from the manufacturer (plus they are loaded with a bunch of crapware anyway). And to top things off the installation is completely in fresh install is the only way to go.

Luckily we still have that little license sticker on the bottom of the laptop, so he does own a license (or does the manufacturer own the license?), but we just don't have access to any installation media.

It looks like can obtain ESD installation files (whatever those are) here or I can get an .ISOs from a legal torrent. The former doesn't work me as I'm on Linux and the latter seems kind of sketchy.

  • Will his OEM license that was provided with laptop work?

  • Is it possible to legally obtain the Windows 7 installation media that matches the appropriate license?

  • Where can I do this?

  • How can I assure that I have a legitimate, untampered and trustworthy .ISO file?

  • Can I get it in a .ISO format (all my machines run Linux, a .exe doesn't help me very much)?

  • Who owns the license? My friend who bought the laptop or the manufacturer?


Microsoft Windows 7 Download links answered here

  1. The OEM license should be accepted when installing, but if you do not use OEM media then you will need to call Microsoft's activation hotline to complete the activation process.

  2. Purchaser owns the license, but OEM licenses are not transferable between computers - they must stay on the computer they were sold with.

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