Sunday 21 April 2019

Is there any way to disable certain keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7?

There is something going on with my Windows 7 machine where attempting to unlock the workstation the Win key is "stuck" on (not quite sure what is causing this).

What this causes is that when I am entering my password, which contains a "p", Windows thinks I am pressing Win + p as if I want to change my display settings to enable a projector. This is highly annoying when attempting to unlock my workstation!

The workaround I've found to "unstick" the Win key is to cycle through the projector/display settings once, land back on the original value, and then resume entering my password as normal.

But is there any way to completely disable the shortcut for Win + p ? In all likelihood I will never hook up a projector to this machine, or on the once-in-a-lifetime chance that I do, I am more than happy with having to go into the Display Settings myself.

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