Tuesday 2 April 2019

Getting an “you must upgrade Azure CLI” error when attempting to run Enterprise Bot Template in Visual Studio 2017 but my Azure CLI is up to date

I’m trying to deploy the Enterprise Bot Template using VS 2017 and I got the following error when running the msbot clone services code in the ReadMe file.

C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\SovereignBot\SovereignBot>msbot clone services --name "SovereignBot" --luisAuthoringKey "2c92b0812f6b47cfa5d4da293f2bbaa3" --folder "DeploymentScripts\en" --location "westus"

With msbot 4.3.2 and later, the only AZ CLI prerequisite is having an AZ CLI version >= 2.0.53. If you have the botservice extension installed as well, please remove this via "az extension remove --name botservice". Checking az botservice version You need to upgrade your AZ CLI version to >= 2.0.53. You can install the latest AZ CLI from https://aka.ms/az-cli-download

My version of MSBot is 4.3.2 and I’mm on the latest version of Azure CLI (2.0.58).


It’s a known issue with msbot.

There's currently a Pull Request to fix it, so keep an eye out for a new msbot version.

For now, you have to downgrade to any AZ CLI v2.0.53 through v2.0.57.

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