Sunday 27 October 2019

Is there a way to get iTunes to automatically play all items in a podcast?

iTunes always stops at the end of each track in a podcast, forcing you to manually queue up the next one by hand. This is all well and good for longer podcasts like the stackoverflow one, but for the NPR podcasts, which are generally ~5 minutes long, it would be nice if it could play through them like a normal playlist.

Is this possible to do? I haven't found any configuration option anywhere allowing this?


Create a New Smart Playlist. "Match all the following rules": "Podcast is true", then hit the plus sign to add another rule: "Play Count is 0." Make sure "Live Updating" is checked, then click OK. Name it something appropriate like "Unplayed Podcasts." Using this method will play one podcast after another without user intervention. I hope this helps.

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