Sunday 22 September 2019

hard drive - High average response time from HDD


  • CPU: i5 2500k

  • GPU: 6870 2GB

  • Memory: 4gbx2

  • MOBO: Z68XP-UD3

  • HDD: ST31000524AS, WDC WD10EAVS

  • OS: Win 10 Tech Preview.

  • Past OS: 7, 8, 8.1 (problems occured on all of these.)

Problem: So I have had an on going problem for quite some time now. I first noticed it when my computer performance in games (such as SW:TOR) had been going down. Textures taking longer to load, levels longer to load, etc. I figured it was just SW:TOR. But it had continued to get worse. It went from taking seconds to load a level, to taking upwards of 5 minutes. I first noticed that whenever this would happen, I would get a very high Hard Fault/sec. As I continued looking around, I noticed that I would get a very high average response time; which I've read that anything over 50 is a problem. I have seen numbers upwards of 100k MS. This happens more than just playing games. Starting windows I will reach 20k-80k, it will also happen randomly when nothing but my browser is running, reaching 400-6000+ ms. When installing something such as a game or program, the Average response time goes from 6k-30k. Opening a web page in chrome takes up to a minute, assuming it doesn't crash.

Trouble shooting: Replaced Ram. Ran Seagate Tools from dos (all tests), HDD passed everything. Ran the same tests from Linux, passed. Replaced Sata Cable, slight improvement. Zero'd HDDs, fresh installs, nothing.

I am including pictures of several HDTune scans of my drives. You will notice that they can be quite erratic.

The SMART results are included in that link as well now.

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