Sunday 15 September 2019

Transposing columnar record data to rows in Excel

Can I reference a cell in another worksheet like this?


Worksheet A
A1 Data1
A3 Data2
A5 Data3

Worksheet B (I want to copy by referencing the cells in Worksheet A)

B1 'Worksheet A'!A1
B2 'Worksheet A'!(A1+2) ~ meaning I want to copy cell 'Worksheet A'!A3
B3 'Worksheet A'!(A3+2) ~ meaning I want to copy cell 'Worksheet A'!A5 ... Note that A3 in this formula comes from the formula in B2 by skipping one row in Worksheet A.
B4 'Worksheet A'!(A5+2)

The reason for this is so that I can skip the A2 and A4 cells and be able to drag the formula in Worksheet B to extend it without the need to point manually each cell that I want to copy from Worksheet A.

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