Monday 16 September 2019

Excel - any way to auto hide empty columns when filtering rows?

I am working with data that's imported from a NOSQL database.

Sometimes I get worksheets with 1000 columns and up where most of the cells have no data in them.

I am looking for a way that when I filter the data and show only specific rows, all the columns for the visible rows which have no data at all will hide automatically.

This way, I will not have to horizontally scroll hundreds of empty columns looking for information.

If you have a solution for this need, I will be grateful.


Hanan Cohen


This code will hide columns if only the header cell is filled:

Sub KolumnHider()
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Dim i As Long, r As Range

Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction
For i = 1 To 1000
Set r = Cells(1, i).EntireColumn
If wf.CountA(r) < 2 Then r.Hidden = True
Next i
End Sub

If there are no column headers, then make the 2 into a 1.

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