Friday 21 June 2019

windows 10 - Mouse pointer moving on arrow keys pressed

I'm encountering a strange problem on my W10 computer, for a few days my arrow keys have been "driving" my mouse pointer. Pressing the left arrow key will move the pointer a few pixels left, etc.

The first thing that came to my mind was "oh well, I must have enabled Mouse Keys inadvertently". But Mouse Keys use the numpad and even then, it's not enabled. Rebooting doesn't help, but I've noticed it doesn't happen if the current window is ran as another user (Administrator) or if it's the Task Manager, which suggests the event filter that's catching the key press events is only active on my UID.

I've tried killing various processes but I'm running out of ideas. I'm fairly sure it's a dumb issue but it's been driving me nuts.


Tried killing all running processes on my PC till the problem went away and I can now say for sure the culprit was...

(classic Win32 one)

Apparently it's got a feature that allows moving the mouse pointer using arrow keys, and for some reason sometimes it doesn't stop listening when the window loses focus, so Paint was running in the background since I often use it and it was still doing its job of moving the mouse.

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