Saturday 29 June 2019

Can router connect back to itself over Internet and why?

As it it sates in title.

Every router I had couldn't connect back to itself over Internet, for example:

  1. I open forward port 22 for ssh on my PC.

  2. I try to connect to that ssh with other PC in same network, with ssh user@my.public.ip but I get refused by router

  3. I can connect from other network (other public IP) just fine, with same ssh user@my.public.ip

Is that just my bad luck with routers or there is something behind it?



You'll need a router that supports loop back functionality.

Many DSL routers/modems prevent loopback connections as a security feature. This means that a machine on your local network (e.g. behind your DSL router/modem) cannot connect to a forward facing IP address (such as of a machine that it also on your local network. Connecting to the local IP address (such as of that same machine works fine.


This thread over at sec discusses security implications (or lack thereof):

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